OK | dare night

565 22 3

diyanna presley-scott

''what the hell?'' I opened my locker just to see an envelope falling out of it. I look towards nathan with a confused expression but when he opened his locker that same envelope came out but instead of it having my name on it, it had nates.

''what's up man'' i looked to see who nate was talking to, turns out it was luke. He pulled that same envelope out of his locker.

i turn to brooke and dylon ''did you guys get one too?''

they both nod, felix walks past us and has a small smirk on his face.

''that is one weird man'' i say and the scott brothers shake their head agreeing with me.


We all meet up at Karen's Café at 7:00, I look around me and see mouth, peyton, tim, fergie, skills haley and monica.

''oh he invited you too?'' I asked peyton ''sadly''.

felix comes between peyton and I ''ladies, no drama tonight, i mean at least not right here'' and then drops his envelope which stated that we should all be here at 7pm.

'' its called 'Dare Night' one night, two teams, multiple dares'' felix says to us all as we made it all here i guess.

''each envelope contains a two-part dare, part one is on the front, part two is on the back. each dare is worth a certain number of points. this cell phone'' he says pointing to the phone,  ''has picture and video''.

''sweet!'' tim says as he reaches for the phone but felix shoots him a weird look and he stops.

''you do the dare, you send proof of it to the other team, at midnight time's up, we meet back here and declare the winner'' felix says ''and what do we win?'' mouth asks the question of the day.

''you mouth win an excuse to be out till midnight'' mouth laughs ''the rest of you, get a night to remember''

''and you get to humiliate us, why would we do that?'' lucas asks ''you embarrass yourself enough luke, one night should be fine don't you think?'' dylon says.

''look guys there's nothing in these envelopes that's harmful to you or anyone else. it's all about having, testing you limits. every once in a while you wake yourself up'' he then looks towards brooke.

tim just smiles ''you wanna do it nate? all anybody does in this town is brood and pout... and get married'' I laugh, ''well everyone knew i was gon play this'' and i throw my envelope on the table.

dylon and skills agree and put theirs on the table as well.

''yea what the hell'' peyton says and puts her on the table too, i sigh, i just didn't want to end up with her.

felix looks at nathan and monica who sighed and put theirs their as well.

''who else is in?'' felix asks.

Mouth and fergie throw their envelopes on top of the others while tim puts a beige envelope that felix definitely didn't make.

felix picks it up while everyone else kinda just laughs at tim's actions.

''man come on, i just want to play''

''if lucas and brooke play, you can play as well'' i look at brooke, i think tim and nate could use some bonding time.

brooke sighs ''pick the stupid teams''

felix smiles ''alright boys against girls, you seven boys against the five girls, plus me. i count as five anyway''

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