OK| reconciliation

889 28 13

continued from the last chapter..

i walked into my house hand in hand with nathan by my side.

i saw dylon and monica on the couch watching some show i think it was called 'The OC' but it never interested me to watch it.

"mom and dad here?" dylon nodded his head.

"moms in the kitchen dad is somewhere in here" i nodded walked away.

"hey didi" missy, my dad's friend said to me as i walked in.

"hi missy, can we talk to my mom for a bit?"

she nodded and went to go bother dylon and monica instead.

"was that really missy elliot at your house?" nate asked and i just nodded.

perks of my dad being a famous producer i guess.

"hello mrs.presley" nathan said to my mom, i could tell he was nervous.

"i see you've grown the courage to finally walk through the front door and not the back door to get to my daughter's room nathan"

nathan awkwardly laughed, i could tell he didn't know what to say to that.

"anyways ma, we need to talk" she looked at me then nathan "you got my daughter pregnant scott?" mom asked.

"you got my daughter pregnant?" my dad said louder, i guess he just walked in, i didn't hear him.

"what?" dylon yelled running into the kitchen "you got my sister pregnant?"

"nathan did not get me pregnant!" i yell to clarify also for monica and missy in the living room "dylon please leave im trying to talk to mom and dad" i then say looking at him.

he just stared at nathan but left like i asked.

"hello mr.presley" nathan said to my dad.

dude is way to nervous for his own good.

"so if you didn't get my daughter pregnant why're you here nathan? you usually just get from the back door and stay in my daughters room" dad said.

ok damn we get it, nathan can't use the front fucking door, Lord.

nathan sighed "so you guys know how i'm emancipated from my parents right?"

they nodded yes, my mom actually recommended nathan a lawyer in case that his parents hadn't agreed and would've wanted to go to trial.

my mom's big on freedom and self-righteousness and shit, i guess that's why she's a lawyer and what-not.

i took over for nathan because i know how uncomfortable this could've been for him "so you know he can do whatever he wants without parental permission right?"

"yes, we know how emancipation works you guys" mom said.

"what is it really you two are saying?" dad asked, i've never been scared of my dad for my whole sixteen years of living life.

i've always been a daddy's girl, he was the one who introduced me into music and writing music and everything i know music wise is because of him.

"i want to marry your daughter" nate said "and this is me kind of asking for you guys blessing, but at the same time i can't marry her without asking you guys since she's not emancipated"

mom and dad looked at each other and then me.

"could we talk to diyanna just us three?" mom asked him, nate nodded his head and made his way to the living room.

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