OK| Scott vs Scott

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"so um, you're really not going to join the team?" i asked

"why should i?" he said shooting some baskets "so i can be with Nathan?" he scoffed.

"you're good at basketball, don't you think you need a real shot at it?" i asked but he never responded so i quietly continued my math homework as Lucas continued shooting his ball.

"nice shot, think you could do it against a double team, down by two? packed house telling you you suck ass? how bout two people saying you suck?" Nathan asked him taking his basketball from him.

i scoffed "i already tell him he sucks daily" i muttered to myself "what do you want?" Luke asked Nathan.

"What do I want? what do you want man? I mean other than my girlfriend and my spot in my lineup, huh?" he started.

I took my pager and started to paged Haley.

I don't know what business this kid wants with Luke..

"none of us want you on the team man." Nathan scoffed "I don't want you, the guys don't want you, my girlfriend sure as hell doesn't want you, but here's the deal, you and me one on one. you name the time and place, if you win i'll quit the team, if i win you crawl back into your little hole and you remember your place in all of this" he laughed and passed Luke his ball back.

"time and place baby, time and place" and he walked off to his car.

I walked up to Lucas.

"he's an ass, i don't get why you'd ever want his girl, obviously she thinks it cute if she's with him" i shrugged

"whatever, let's go"


Skills was painting my nails while I was on the phone with Haley just talking about the Nathan and Lucas situation.

"you think Nathan would win?" she asked

Skills scoffed "dawg, Lucas a better player, he ain't gon lose" i dapped him up agreeing.

"real shit, i ain't never seen Nathan 'big shot' Scott play but i've seen Luke. He's like Lebron James you know?" i said into the phone as Skills started my other foot.

"or Larry Bird, he really shot threes" Skills said


Skills laughed, Haley is so clueless about this sport.

"he's a really good basketball player, he got drafted two years ago"

"ohh ok, anyways i have to go my mom is yelling and she's getting on my nerves so"

I laughed and told her bye and hung up.

"hey why do you think Nathan acts that way towards Lucas? Like Luke has never done anything to hurt Nathan in any way but Nathan always goes out of his way to do or say some stupid shit to him" i asked Skills

"i guess that's how he's raised, we all know Dan Scott is a horrible person dawg, he's bound to raise someone horrible too, luke got away" he laughed

"i prefer Keith anyway" i said.

"you wrote anything?" he asked.

"Skills ain't no reason for me to write if it ain't gon give no career" i told him.

"so? you have a good voice and you talented" he shrugged.

"i hate you you know that right?"

"course dawg"

As i stood up, my phone rang again. "Antwon answer that for me" he nodded and answered my phone.

"aight we comin" Skills replied to whoever was on the phone.

"where are we going?" i asked cause i know he didn't just involve me in something i didn't say yes to.

"Lucas and Nathan doing the basketball tonight at 12 in Riverfront"

Holy shit

"Yo cmon"


"good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to an great evening for basketball tonight, this is reporter Mouth McFadden reporting tonight" Mouth said into his fake mic.

"damn everyone and they momma knew this shit before us" i said.

it's almost 12 and Nathan's a no-show still.

That was until a car came up in the grass and people started to chant Nathan's name over and over again.

Luke took a shot to the basket but it didn't go in so Nathan took it and dunked it in.

"Okay folks, here we go, 15 by ones make it take it, win by win and you can really feel the tension in the air"

Lucas starts by make his shot in and he immediately made it in.

"let's go!" i yelled clapping for him next to Haley in the crowd.

they started to trash talk each other but making points nevertheless.

"damn, they're both really good" skills said.

that was until Nathan fouled Lucas "yo what the fuck! he did that on purpose!" i yelled.

i wasn't sure if it was because i was passionate about the sport or just really cared for Lucas.

"no foul, basket counts" lucas said "whatever" nathan rolls his eyes "either way, you're not going to make another basket" lucas said confidently.

nathan starts to take his shot but lucas blocked it.

"damn!" fergie, skills and I yelled

luke did a basket for them to be 14-14.

"come on Luke!" i clapped my hands

"this is for my mom" lucas said before taking the shot and winning 15-14

"oh my gosh!" i yelled running to lucas.

"bro you won" i said to him, lowkey proud of my bestfriend.

i then saw him make his way to peyton but i didn't pay much attention to their conversation. he'll tell me about it later anyways.

"so this means his on the team right?" i asked Haley

"yeah, two Scotts in varsity"


(authors note):i think i might actually do this fic 💀

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(authors note):
i think i might actually do this fic 💀

tuti 🎸

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