OK| feelings

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"i think i like Nathan" i told skills as i entered the car, there's no way that Brook telling me that made me furious there was only one explanation for that.

Skills turned the music down immediately, shocked.

"dawg.. that's fucked up"

"i know! but he makes me smile and when i talk to him i don't have to worry about everything else with him, and I know about him and Luke, i mean that was the whole reason why i didn't even want to tutor him in the first place but i didn't mean to like him" i ranted.

skills sighed, he knew that this was serious "look diyanna, i can't tell you what to do but if you really think that Nathan Scott is what you want, maybe you should tell him that"

"and what if he doesn't like me back?" skills whistled "then he ain't worth it dawg" he shrugged.

"if he can't see how special you are as a person the way we, you friends, your family, sees you, he didn't deserve you in the first place"

i nodded taking that in, as i was about to drive away i see Lucas walking away.

i rolled my window down and asked him what he was doing because i knew the party wasn't over just because Brook said some bs.

"can i ride with you guys?" he didn't even ask why i was here.

"get in dawg" skills then looked at me "you gotta tell him"

"tell me what?" he asked, i looked at him "ill tell you when ill drop you off"

the car ride seemed like forever to me because i was too focused on the fact that i might have a crush on nathan scott.

i pulled in lucas's driveway and got out the car with him, "so what was it you wanted to tell me, i know it's important because you weren't talking the whole car ride"

i sighed and walked in his room with him, "luke you can't get mad at me ok?"

with the look on his face he probably thought the worse, but still agreed.

"i think that i like nathan"i looked down on the ground, "what the hell diyanna?" he's been calling me diyanna a lot lately, he's been angry a lot at me lately "you know how he is, you know what he's done to me!" he yelled.

i didn't want to cry, lucas was probably one of the only people who could make me cry since we're so close his opinion on everything is important to me.

"and i get that! and i didn't want that to happen trust me luke you know i wouldn't do that to our friendship" i try to convince him "i mean i never liked peyton but you're hanging with her a lot and i don't say shit because i know how much you like her"

"peyton and nathan aren't the same people, nathan has been putting me through hell when i first joined the team!"

"and he stopped because off me! Luke i really didn't want to like him but my heart and my head don't work together and you know that!"

"yeah well when he breaks your heart Di, i won't be surprised because i know what type of person he is!"

with him saying that i just left, i didn't want to make things worse by continuing our argument.

"i heard yall two yelling at each other" skills tells me as soon as i enter the car, "whatever"


i was sitting at with Fergie and Skills at school, they were talking about anything but i wasn't really listening because once again Luke and I got into an argument, so Haley took his side, and i know she knows i like him because when i called her to explain my side, she just said that i shouldn't be liking someone who's hurt our bestfriend and hung up.

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