It's Okay.. || helen

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       sad, fluff
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                                        💗♡━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡                  ┌──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐                                    sad, fluff                   └──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘♡━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡

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Second Person POV

You were doing the dishes after the dinner. Helen slowly approached you and hugged you from behind, gently placing her hands around your waist and resting her head on your shoulder. You let out a small chuckle as the older one was kissing your cheek and whispering "I love you" to your ear.
"I love you more," you replied.
"Are you okay?" She asked out of blue.
"Yeah, I'm okay." you replied. Your voice slightly quivered at the end. You made a fake cough not to be noticed by the older woman. When Helen released you from her back hug, you walked to the corner to put the plates in the drying rack. Helen followed you.
"Darling, you're quite since you were back."

You didn't breathe a word.

"Darling, please look at me," she said with quite monotone but soft and slightly demanding voice as she turned you to look at her. Your heart skipped a beat. You knew Helen used that tone only when she didn't satisfy with the answer or she felt something was wrong. You looked at your lover. Your eyes met a pair of brown eyes that looked for something deep inside yours. You felt like Helen saw your soul, passed through your eyes.

You was certain that you couldn't lie to her. You wanted to tell her all about your problems, how you felt, how you struggled with yourself in daily life. On the other hand, you didn't want to bother her with your nonsensical problems. She's already tired with her own job. You didn't want to be a burden. You looked away not to be found out that you lied to her, silently wishing Helen didn't ask you the same question again or you would be broken down.
"Are.You.Okay.Y/N?" she asked carefully and softly again.
"I am okay, Helen. Wh-Why?", you responded with a nervous laugh, trying to hide your tears, which was starting to build up. You knew that you couldn't hold your tears anymore. So, you tried to run away from Helen, letting out an invalid excuse,
"I- I need to take the cups in the bedroom to clean."
But the older woman was quicker than you and gripped your wrist tightly.


No, not that nickname. It's your favourite word come out between her rosy lips. But not this time. You squeezed your eyes shut and slightly tilted your head up, tried to hold your tears back, still standing where you were, where Helen stopped you. You took a deep breath and turned back to the other woman, trying to smile at her. You saw Helen's wearing sad smile, and saw her blue eyes which you hated to see the most. It hurts. Seeing her sorrow made you sadder than your own problems. Your lips were trembling.

Before you could say anything, Helen pulled you closer to her and wrapped her arms around your body tightly, like she wanted to keep you in her arms the whole time. You slowly placed your head on Helen's chest, closing your eyes, relaxing your body. You tried to focus on listening to Helen's heartbeat, the calmest music you had ever heard and never got bored, breathing in the smell of Helen to fill your lungs with your favorite perfume. Helen rubbed your back up and down gently. This made you feel a bit better and calmer.
"Hel.." you whispered in her chest.
"You don't need to say anything, love. Just stay like this." she said softly. You hold back your words and you two stayed like this a few minutes until you looked up Helen, pressing your chin on her chest, and said again, "I'm really okay, Hel". Just being with her could make everything better. Her presence made you feel safe. You smiled weakly but you really felt a little bit better.

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