𝗥𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗲 || 𝗵𝗯𝗰

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                 ┌──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
                               sad, comfort
                 └──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘



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"Momma..." Y/N called. Her voice sounded broken.

The sound of her daughter's voice caused Helena's heart to thump. The word, 'momma,' brought up feelings of both concern and nostalgia within her.

It's been a long time since Y/N called her mother, Helena, "momma." This caught Helena's attention quicker.
Helena looked at her daughter in surprise as it's been a while she forgot how it felt like being called, "momma." At the same time, Helena knew that something was really wrong with her precious daughter, if not, there was no reason to the word, "momma," which was not used for a long time since she became a teenager, came from Y/N. The mother knew her little girl needed help or comfort from her.

"Y/N, darling, is everything alright?"

The concern in Helena's voice mirrored the worry etched on her features as she reached out to gently touch Y/N's hand, a silent gesture of reassurance and support. Y/N hung her head down, trying not to cry and refusing to look at her mother. Y/N took a deep breath before letting the words fall out of her lips.

"I... I don't know, Momma. I... I just can't take it anymore." Her voice quivered at the end, and finally, she looked up at her mother with teary eyes.

Helena's heart ached at the sight of her daughter's distress, the weight of her words resonating deeply within her own maternal soul.

"Oh dear, come here." With an instinctual pull, Helena drew Y/N into her embrace, holding her daughter close. One of her hands wrapped around the girl while the other one guided Y/N's head to her chest, under her chin. She embraced her daughter as if she shielded the little girl from any harm. As soon as Y/N was enveloped by her momma, she started breaking down.

Y/N was the girl who was a carefully constructed armour against the world, and people barely saw her breaking down. The fact that she was acting this way indicates that she had been carrying the world on her shoulders for a while and it had become too much for her.

"Shhhh... It's okay, my love. It's okay. I'm here. Let it all out. Shhh..." — Helena rubbed Y/N's back and forearm — "What happened?" Helena asked.

"It's... It's just everything, momma. it's too much. I don't think I can take it anymore." — Y/N answered between her sobs, shaking her head against her momma's chest. — "The expectations, my... my social life, the academic life, all the pressures... just all the pressures... They make me feel like I'm drowning, like I'm drowning into the deepest depths of the ocean."

Helena, with the gentle touch of a mother who knew her child's heart, stroked Y/N's hair, offering a sanctuary from the storm of the girl's strong emotions.
"You're not alone, Y/N. I'm here for you to share your thoughts, feelings and burdens. We can do it together. Let all the heavyweights out. I'm here."

Y/N, amidst the vulnerability she rarely revealed, let the dam of her emotions break.
"I'm lost, momma. I'm afraid. Afraid of not meeting everyone's expectations, afraid of failing, afraid of being judged, afraid of not becoming a good person, afraid of not being enough for you and people I love, afraid that I would hurt people who love me, basically I'm afraid of everything. I'm sorry..." Y/N sobbed.

"Ohhh... no need to say sorry for anything..." Helena whispered.
The mother's heart broke at the raw honesty in her daughter's words, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears as she held her daughter tighter, offering a silent promise of unwavering love and support. She let the girl sobbing in her arms as long as she wanted because she knew Y/N needed.

A few minutes later, Helena, with unwavering resolve, lifted Y/N's chin, meeting her teary gaze.
"Listen to me, my beautiful child. Your worth is not defined by external expectations. You're more than the expectations placed upon you. You are enough for who you are. You're strong, talented, and deeply loved. You've achieved so much, and you don't have to bear this burden alone." — A hue of comfort started to form in Y/N's eyes — "We are human, so we feel everything and overwhelmed. You need to know it is okay. It's okay for not being okay. It's okay to rely on other people if you're not okay." Helena continued, caressing the girl's face with her fingers. Y/N melted under her mother's comforting touch and smile.

Helena kissed Y/N's forehead. She kissed a but longer than normal, showing her love for her. Then, Helena pressed her forehead against the girl's, looking into her teary sparkling eyes, smiling softly at each other, touching noses.

Finally, Y/N, comforted by Helena's words and loving gestures, felt the warmth of maternal love wash over her.
"Thank you, Momma. I needed to hear that and feel that I am not alone. Thank you so much." Y/N said, snuggling up to her mother. Helena embraced her daughter with love.
"Anytime, my little apple." — Both mother and daughter smiled at the nickname as they remembered why Y/N's nickname was little apple. — "Remember, you are never alone in this journey. I'll be always by your side. You can always rely on me, talk to me. You're loved. And I love you so much."
"I love you too, momma."
They stayed like that for a while, hugging each other, saying no word, but enjoying each other's company.

"Can you tell me how I got that nickname?" Y/N mumbled in her mother's chest.
"Imm-Hmm. It's like my little comfort story."
"Alright. You may not remember that much cause you were just 3-year-old little baby. You're the cutest little thing I've ever seen." — Helena chuckled — "First we called you, Rory. As your middle name is Aurora. One day, we called you, Rory, but you insisted on calling you like that. You kept ignoring us. So, Mama, and I thought we needed to talk to you. We were worried about you if there was something wrong or like that. So, we brought you to the living room and asked if you were okay. You answered yes, but I kept using the nickname, Rory cause I didn't know you didn't like it. In the midd of conversation, you interrupted me, telling what I was wrong with really loud voice." — Helena laughed — "I remember everything single words you said."

Helena moved her body to show what little Y/N did. She put her hands on her hips, pouting her lips, and said,
"Do notch call me WOWY. I am Apple. I lov Apple. I don'd like WOWY! Mommy, call me Apple."
Both laughed out loud.
"It was really adorable. You know, with your little voice, and some words are not clear enough to understand. You said your name, "Wowy," and it's not even "Rory." It's just so cute." Helena said, rubbing some tears, started to form by laughing.
"I was really bossy, wasn't I?" Y/N asked, still laughing.
"Yes... You were, and you are still bossy. My little miss bossy." Helena replied.
"No, I'm not." — Helena raised her eyebrows. — "Well, maybe teeny tiny little bit." Y/N giggled. Helena laughed at Y/N's response as she found it adorable.

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Words Count: 1235
Finished date and time: 29/Jan/2024(11:40)
Started date and time: 27/Jan/2024(19:40)

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It's been a while since I posted my last story. I was planning to upload a new one on New Year Day, but I couldn't make it. So, before January comes to an end, I tried to finish one. Hope you like this little story.

Thank you so much for reading my stories with love and kindness. Your support means a lot to me.💗

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