Chapter 14 - Target Acquired

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March 30th, 1930

Henroin returned home two days later. As his crew was carrying in his luggage and their own, he sought out his eldest son. Bruno was waiting for him outside of his office door like the good soldier he was. Sure, Henroin was tough on his boys. But clearly, he was doing something right if his eldest was becoming increasingly ready for the role of Don one day. Now, if only he could get his younger son to the same level.

"How'd it go Pops?" Bruno asked, hands behind his back, standing up straight and poised. He knew his father was coming back today from the constant updates, and he told both of his siblings this morning, but Anthony absolutely refused to respond to his warning, and apparently Molly was getting ready for the day.

"This damn Depression is making everythin' a whole lot more complicated than it needs ta be," Henroin grumbled in response. He opened the door to his office and stepped inside, expecting Bruno to follow him. He went over to his desk and gestured for Bruno to take the seat across from him. Once seated, Henroin sat as well, picked up the pile of documents and reports he had missed out on, and began shuffling through them. "I take it ya've been stayin' on top a' this?"

Bruno nodded. "Yes sir. Everything seems to be going well, though I did get reports that Paulie D'Angelo has taken two of our suppliers and plans on taking two more by night's end."

Henroin growled. "Not in this damn economy he ain't! What's yer brother doin'?"

Bruno was confused by the sudden question. What did Tony have to do with this? "Uh...he's up in his room. He's had himself locked in there for almost two days now."

Henroin cocked a bushy brow. "The hell is he doin' in there?"

Bruno winced, praying his father wouldn't get mad at him. He had tried his best to get Anthony to come out! "I dunno sir. He won't talk t'me or ta Molls." He neglected to mention Anthony's habit of sneaking out. He couldn't do that to his brother, even if it meant potentially saving his own skin.

"Useless, "Henroin muttered under an annoyed huff, causing Bruno to bristle. "Well in any case, he can take care of D'Angelo."

Bruno's mouth gaped in shock. "Sir? You wanna send Tony? Pops, this guy is dangerous!" It wasn't that he didn't trust his brother's capabilities. It was that he hated the idea of something terrible happening to him.

Henroin brushed the concern aside like a particularly pesky gnat. "If he hopes to climb the ranks, he needs ta prove 'imself. This is the perfect opportunity."

"He has been proving himself!" Bruno snapped.

Henroin snarled at him. "Don't gimme any a' yer lip boy! Ya ain't Tony. And this frankly don't concern you. You ain't the Don, and I'm not arguin' with ya. Go get 'im."


"Go. Get. Your. Brother," Henroin ground out between his teeth. "I ain't tellin' you again."

Silently, Bruno stood up and walked out of the room. He honestly had no idea what was going on with his brother. He was concerned but also annoyed. Anthony was known for being a bit over dramatic sometimes. Bruno just hoped that's all it was and that the blonde hadn't gotten sick or hurt.


I kissed Alastor. I kissed him. I can still feel his lips on mine. The soft warmth, the taste of rum and whiskey and a hint of tequila. Yet, they were still somehow sweet. Fuck, why did I do that? Why did he kiss back? What am I supposed to do now? I can't stop thinking about it. I really want to do it again, but what if I ruined things between us? What if he turns me in? I was such a fool. Like I could just kiss him, and we could be more than friends. What the hell was I thinking! I'm so confused and scared and happy! Why am I happy? Because I finally kissed him? Because it felt like Heaven? Because for once I finally felt something other than pure adrenaline? I'm fucked I'm fucked I'm so fucked-

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