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Y/n awoke to orange hair dangling over her and hands at her throat cutting off her air supply. She's wheezing, and trying to speak but can barely get anything out. Ichigo is deranged. His eyes are red, and he looks angry, sweat dripping off his head and face and onto Y/n. His squeezing is getting tighter. "G-Grimm-" Y/n manages to slip part of his name out but Ichigo isn't having it. "Because of you, Orihime broke up with me!" He squeezes tighter. "I wanted you but you chose him! And now you're trying to call out for him?! If I can't have you, nobody can bitch. I'll make sure of it!" Ichigo's words fade as Y/n loses consciousness.

Y/n jolts up screaming clawing at her neck and gripping her chest, she's trying to catch her breath looking around disoriented trying to figure out where she is.

"Fuck Y/nnnnnnn." Grimmjow plugs his ear with a finger sitting up. "The fuck is your problem? You alright?" 

Y/n continues to breath heavy and look around, she looks at Grimmjow and realizes she's fine. "Yo, what was that?" Grimmjow's worried as his eyebrows come together slightly. She buries her face into his chest, his scent alone was enough to calm her, and then she explains what she dreamt while buried. Her words are muffled and shaky but Grimmjow can understand her. He places a hand on her head, caressing her and holding her close. "If he so much as looks at you wrong he's dead, you hear me? He's fucking dead." Y/n comes out of Grimm's chest and looks up at him with teary eyes, her hair is a fucking mess but she looks cute in the sunlight, he cups her face and she smiles lightly.

"Since I'm up, I have some stuff to do today. You'll be alright if I leave?"

"I-I should be okay. You can go ahead."

Grimmjow lowered his head to look at her as she turned away, she met his eyes and nodded giving him confirmation. He pulled her head close and kissed her forehead, then he got up from the bed and into her shower. Y/n laid back down and sighed deeply placing her hands over her face. "Mannnn, what the hell." She said to herself. She got up, listening to the shower run, and thought to herself that it wouldn't hurt to join. She was naked anyway. She opened the shower door, and Grimm was directly under the water with his hand on the wall.

 She opened the shower door, and Grimm was directly under the water with his hand on the wall

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"Are you okay?" Y/n asks. "Looks like you're deep in thought."

"I'll be fine if you close that damn door, you're making me cold." He shoves his hair back wringing access water.

Y/n enters, closes the door and he turns his gaze to her planting a kiss on her nose. "Did you miss me?" He says. He squishes her cheeks together as she replies with a "Yesh a wittle." Grimmjow chuckles at her cute response and turns back to resume his showering. Y/n hugs him from behind as he rewets his hair. They have a nice long shower. Grimm puts his clothes back on and kisses her forehead and leaves. Y/n checks her phone, she has a bunch of texts and calls from Angelica. She was in mid reply, when Angelica called the phone again.


"Bitch where have you been?" Angelica is screaming Y/n's ear out.

"Alot actually has happened, I meant to tell you that-"

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