Start of the search

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I have disposed the nasty garbage bag and make my way to classes as always waiting for them to be over as I either fall asleep or don't pay attention. Finally! They are over and I gather my stuff and walk over to the pond in the woods and wait for Wednesday to arrive. I stand there waiting for her as I listen to my music in my earbuds. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I jump a bit and look to see who did that. I see Wednesday and panic for a second but calm down immediately. "Hey you are here." I say kind of nervously. "Let's get to work now, shall we?" She says as she starts walking more into the woods and I follow. "So, what are we looking for-" "We are going to see if there is any sort of evidence around for more evil wicked things that like to lurk around just to prove that there are more forces of evil around." Wednesday cuts me off in half of my sentence. "Okay sooo...What do you want me to-" "You are a demon aren't you? I could use you as a target" Once again she cuts me off. "What do you mean as a target??" I say in a confused and frightened tone. "You know how to do witchcraft right?" Wednesday looks over at me as we stand next to a well. "Uh yea..I haven't done it since the last time it backfired on me but yea, I could attempt it again." "Okay I want you to do it here on the well on this plank of wood that is covering it." She demands. Wednesday dumps her bag onto the plank dropping all the items to do the witchcraft with.

I grab the items and look to see which ones I will need to start with though I still don't know what I'm summoning. "Wednesday what am I summoning?" I look over at her and see her looking at this demonic book then she slams the book in front of me and I look at all the steps. "Go ahead." She steps a couple feet back. I look back at her then at the book then I proceed to start to do the ritual. The rain starts to fall but it's not that heavy, I finish the ritual and look around when dark smoke starts to fill around. Wednesday looks around and then she looks at me. The rain starts to fall heavily again as it did yesterday. "I don't think it worked Wednesday. I say looking at her in slight confusion." "I think it-" Wednesday Gets thrown onto the floor by this shadow demon figure and growls at her as she attempts to fight back. "Wednesday!!" I run over to her and tackle the demon down. Wednesday gets up and runs over to the ritual book to grab it. I keep fighting the demon. The demon takes over and starts to overpower me then it slashes me but as it slashes me it sets me on fire and we both grow into flames. Wednesday grabs the knife and tears apart the book with it then runs and stabs the demon with it as it screeches and disappears. I finally set off and I lay there for a while on the ground as the rain pours all over me. I try to catch my breath as Wednesday looks at me in panic and breathes as well in a sign of her catching her breath. "Y/N are you okay?" She kneels on the floor and touches my wounds with her soft and smooth hands looking down at me. "Yea I'm alright.." I say weakly as I gasp in pain. I sit up and look at her in the eyes. Wednesday immediately looks to the side and gets up and walks over to the well and gathers her stuff. I stand up and look up at the sky as the rain keeps pouring down then I look over on Wednesday.  Wednesday walks back to me then we walk back out of there. 

As we walk out back to the dorms, I notice something crawling out of the shadows then I see a moving hand. "Oh, there you are." Wednesday says annoyed. "This is thing. And no, no one knows where the rest of his body is." Wednesday explains as Thing climbs onto her shoulder. "He's adorable" I say and smile a little. Wednesday just gives her same blank face expression. We finally get to my dorm. "Today.. Was interesting.." I almost died. I chuckle and for some reason and started laughing as Wednesday just looks at me confused. Wednesday nods " It's funny to see that you nearly enjoyed the fact of dying." Wednesday tries not to crack a smile. I nod and smile." Alright..I will see you sometime around I guess..." It's so tempting to kiss her.. I think to myself. "I will see you around." Wednesday slowly nods then turns around. I lean over and kiss her on the cheek as I blush softly. Wednesday's eyes widen and her face turns red. "W-why did you do that?" Wednesday says flustered still keeping her monotone voice intact.  "I-I don't know.." I reply stepping back. Wednesday looks back at me then swallows nervously then nods one last time as she walks away. 

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