The Journey To Hell.

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I inform some of the Nevermore's best war machines to help out with this chaos that is about to rise up on this property. I get ready in my dorm and search for one of my briefcases to find a certain liquid that is going to help me finally transform. "I know I will need it for this." They have been a challenge with only just a few attacking. Having a full army of them will get me killed. Yoko walks in and sits on her bed looking down. I just ignore her since she probably won't give two shits about this. I grab the bottles liquid and put in one of my hidden blazer pockets. "Y/N I know I've been a bitch to you but.. I want to help with this battle. I am a vampire after all." Yoko smiles as I look at her. I nod and smirk at her. "Alright Yoko."

We all wait for the evening that's when all the fun is going to start. The sun is out but we see clouds moving in as the world begins to darken all over. Still no signs of any creature weird as creature demon things appearing. I look around at everyone else who is waiting. A sheet of paper fly's from out of the storm that started to evoke all around a while ago. The paper lands on the floor it shoots out a dark light beam releasing all the demons trapped in there. All the demons line up in a army style as they all get ready to attack. We all stop what we are doing and get ready and steady for this deadly battle we may not survive. I look at everyone then at Wednesday. I nod to her as she nods back then we all look over at the demons as they look back with their evil dark reddish-black eyes. 

We all just stare then Enid walks out to the middle reaching to the fountain and puts out a small timer with 25 seconds. I walk up with her and nod to her. "Alright Ladies and gentlemen, Creatures and demons. We shall end this war here with this battle alright?" I look over at everyone. "If Nevermore wins.. All of you fuckers leave back to hell and never return to Nevermore. If there is any of you alive. If you guys win. You drag me to hell and do whatever the fuck you want to me. But you are not hurting anymore of these students. You all hear me?!" I yell at the top of my lungs then jump off the fountain and wait for Enid to activate the timer. Enid activates the timer, and we all get ready in our positions. 

The time has finally come.. I thought to myself. We either live or die.. There is no in-between. I look over at Wednesday and smile. Wednesday just cracks a small smile then goes back to frowning as usual.  The timer goes down in a quick pace. Soon it reaches to 5 seconds. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... The timer goes out and the loud noise goes off. "CHARGE!!!!" I hear Enid scream, hearing the demons screech. Everyone runs and starts to beat the shit out of each other. Others have weapons, others don't, some have magic, some don't. Enid is fighting a demon while slashing at it as it tries to attack her. Yoko is slaying the demons with her daggers as she jumps between shadows. Wednesday is fighting with a sword seeing them just fall into pieces. I'm just punching and stabbing, throwing them into the walls and just normal intense combat. Other demons are seen setting students on fire or slashing their faces and bodies. Students are spotted jumping groups of demons and using magical forces on them or slashing through them. I got onto the second floor of the academy and start to fight the demons up there helping our side. I see that this event has been very bloody, arson, damage of property. I'm covered in wounds as I attack a demon as it grabs onto me and holds me in a lock stabbing its claw into my ribcage. I try to move but it hurts so much. Yoko throws a metal sharp pipe hitting the demon on it's shoulder as it screeches loudly digging its claws digging into me. I scream and elbow it, right as I elbow it Yoko makes a run for it tackling it off the ledge of the second floor that is probably 25 feet off the ground. I get up and look over the edge seeing them both on the ground... Maybe dead? 

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