Remedy Of the Darkness

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A couple of weeks have passed and I haven't done anything important along those weeks. I started talking to Wednesday again..Well only cause we have an assignment together.. I sit in class waiting for her to arrive so we can start working on the project she arrives, and we start to work immediately. "Hey Wednesday could you pass me that book?" I say while writing some facts down. Wednesday nods and passes it to me. The hour goes by, and we stay after school in the classroom to finish our project. "Y/N we are now finally finished with this." Wednesday says as she finishes writing her stuff. These other Nevermore students enter. Though they don't seem right..I notice that the entities are a bit darkened around them. I just watch them walk our way. Their eyes have a red spark to them.. "Wait! This is what a demon looks like when it uses someone else's body! Wednesday watch out!" I yell as one of them chucks a Hatchet almost beheading her. Wednesday ducks just in time then quickly turns around. One of the other demons' teleports behind me and grabs me as I try to attack back. The demon does a really loud screeching sound, damaging my hearing for the moment. I scream in agony as I shove myself backwards throwing myself to the glass window behind, launching the demon out the window, shattering the window into multiple of pieces. 

Wednesday beheaded the other demon while I was fighting the other one. Wednesday looks back to check up on me. "I hate these demon creatures." She says in a very annoyed tone. "Me too." I say trying to stand properly and covering our project that somehow manage to survive this small battle. I dusted myself off and walk over to Wednesday. "Let's leave." Wednesday says as she starts to walk. I see Wednesday look up and pass out. She must be seeing a vison..I think to myself as I rush over to her body and catch her in midair. I hold her brushing her hair out of the way with my fingers. Her black eyes open and she looks panic immediately. "What did you see-" "No!" She shoves me out of the way as I see the demon, I pushed out the window. Stab a shard of glass through my left hand. The same place I have already gotten a wound at. "Ahhh! Fuck!" I scream, kicking the demon in the face and pulling out the shard out of my hand stabbing it behind it's head repeatedly . Wednesday's eyes widen looking at how I just brutally stabbed that demon. 

"Y/N." Wednesday grabs my hand wrapping it with a piece of cloth she had. I look at her as she warps my hand..Oh she is such a beauty of a goth..I think to myself softly smiling. "I almost got killed again..You saved me." I laugh evilly, standing up and looking at that the disaster I left after completely stabbing the living shit out of that demon's head. Wednesday stands up and looks outside. "It seems it always rains when demons are around." She cracks a tiny smile. "I think we should inform Weems about this disaster." I say to Wednesday. "I think this looks beautiful" Wednesday says in her monotone voice. "Fine" I say grabbing something out of my bag. Wednesday stares at me confused. I grab a glitter bomb. "Step away" I smile looking over at Wednesday. Wednesday walks over to the door then looks back as I explode the glitter bomb. Wednesday frowns "Now it's the most disgusting thing I have seen this week besides Enid's side of room." Wednesday walks out of there and I run up to her to catch up. "Would you like to go get some coffee?" Wednesday nods. We walk all the way into town and finally make it to the coffee shop. I order coffee for Wednesday and I. I come over to where she is sitting and we both chat for an hour and discuss the demon bullshit as we enjoy a burning cup of coffee. 

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