In the darkness

322 20 12

°°•°°" What you hide in your heart appears in your eyes"°°•°°

Noone's POV

The sun sank lower in the horizon. Casting a gleaming sheath of hues, reds, yellows and oranges covered every nook and crany.

The city life moved forwards. Not one person had the time to spare, everyone was hustling afterall. Noone even had the time to check upon their close ones. And maybe that's the reason that he fell into such deep chasm at such a young age.

Even the evening couldn't calm down his inner turmoil. As he stood neglected, left again after the purpose was served. Watching the sun go down alone.

Chan's POV

Aren't sunsets supposed to calm you down? Then why am I feeling so empty? Why does it feel like a blackhole lives within these walls of flesh? Leeching everybit of life........

The world seems so big and yet there seems to be no place left in it for me. Just like his heart. And this society.

All I did was be myself and that has now made me an outcast to everyone. Even my own mate. All I want is someone to accept me and yet that seems too good to be true.

People keep rushing by and yet his face, lingers in my mind. My current boyfriend is also my mate and yet I am still unmarked.

Being a male omega has caused enough trouble but being unmarked is worse. I can't help but fear. Fear his rejection. Fear that he would leave. Leave me, a burdensome being behind.

And I would be alone again. But unlike now I won't have a home to return to.

The a whiff of the cold winds breaks the loop of fear and anxiety. Reminding me of my task of heading home. To the suffocating, lonely prison. Eventho I know that the chances of him being there are none, I can't stop the hope that maybe this time he won't be in the bar drinking and would opt to spend some time with me.

Noone's POV

The crowd dissipates bit by bit seeing the male omega. The boy tries to move fast without being noticed. But he can't help but catch the hurtful words thrown shamelessly by some rude and traditional people.

Eventhough he doesn't stop, he can't help but feel the flush of emptiness and pain flooding in his heart. The people are too busy to notice the impact they caused. Some hustle pass the boy while a very few stay back to say words sharper than knife.

The ones shiny eyes which used to glow with mirth and joy. Now seemed like a broken mirror, reflecting nothing but an abyss of pain. Dull and liveless. In need of desperate help.
Maybe this desperation was the reason for his subconscious to choose the first person who showed pity towards him as his mate.

This desperation to be loved and be able to love might have been the reason for him, to fall for the person who didn't deserve him. But fate played in mysterious ways.

And playing with him, was seemed like something the stars enjoyed to do.
Testing him seemed to be their favourite way to spend their day. As another heartache waited for him at his home.

The cold rooms didn't surprise Chan. Neither did the mess or lack of any kind of reminders, as where his boyfriend decided to go. It was a common occurrence. But the sight always killed a tiny part of Chan. A part which hoped that maybe this time it will be different. A tiny part which hoped to be loved.

Heaving a heavy sigh Chan started cleaning up the place. The reek of alcohol made him sick. Picking up the clothes and trash. Airing the room. Chan sat waiting for his boyfriend. Hoping to actually this daily cycle calmly and peacefully.

The male omega woke up to darkness. His back ached from the way he fell asleep while waiting. His neck ached from being in awkward angle. But what made Chan actually groan was seeing the shoes of his boyfriend and his accesories lying all over the place.


An angry growl was heard. It made Chan stand on edge. He didn't wish to anger his boyfriend. Afterall an angry alpha doesn't think rationally. The scars on his back were evidence of this claim.

As soon as he opened the door to their shared bedroom. Chan felt a sharp sting on his cheek. He flinched toppling over. The crash of the glass and a very angry growl, was all Chan needed to leave the room and lock himself in the attic.

Hopefully his boyfriend will be himself in the morning. And Chan would not have to skip his breakfast in hopes of not facing him.


A short update cuz bruh I am suffering through cramps, and got my finals ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ I need some time off someone save meh............

Also the first 2-3 chaps are angsty and maybe the later ones too cuz YK we can't rush it⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙ soooooo buckle up.....but we will have alot of fluff too (both platonic and romantic)


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