Words left in the silence

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TW:- mentions of molestation and violence read with caution.

°°°•°°°Words left unsaid, emotions left unexpressed, in the silence. Harm more than any harsh truth spoken outloud.°°°•°°°


Minho's POV

You look so beautiful when you smile. But why does it hurt? Why does it feel like you are slipping farther away into a place I could never reach.

Why does my heart bleed in your absence, why does it worries itself to death. When you are perfectly ok, talking with someone else.

Why can't you hug me as tight as you hold him? Do smile at everyone with the twinkle in your eyes? Or was so replaceable that you now hold him the same way you held me? You have all time of the world for him, and you say he is a friend. Then why can't you even look me straight in the eye? How do you become busy everytime I pass by?

You seem happy and fine. But my mind is hallucinating. I see the dreams of you hurting, as you cry for everything to stop and yet I stay immobile.

Why you, why does my heart hurt for you. When you don't even seem to remember of my existence. All these thoughts ensnare me in a ivy cage. Filled with poisonous emotions. These vile whispers enrage them even more.
My vision has started to get clouded. I can't comprehend what I feel, all I know now is rage.

Rage over you. For leading my heart on. For showing me warmth and then walking away with someone else. Maybe what they said was true. Maybe you do like to play with someone's heart. And yet I feel once smile from you could melt my rage.

It hurts too much to bare. Don't how much can I hold in or when the thin line of control gets away from me. It's scary how much you make me feel. How much your smiles and frowns affect me. If in another timeline or alternative reality. Loving you would have been easy. But in this dystopia, loving you seems like jumping into a chasm of uncertainty and pain.

I don't wish to see your smile directed towards me. It hurts to realise that everything I feel is so easily replaceable to you. Just like how you replaced me with that male.

Maybe this is my prejudice. Maybe it's the seething rage. But distancing myself from you is the only way. The solution to the jumble of emotions, to sudden influctuation. I doubt you will notice my silence, when you are engrossed in his smiles.

I need space and time to sort out myself. But this week just made me believe the rumours are not always based on complete lies. And I was dumb to not notice it before.

Noone's POV

The thoughts encircled Minho, spilling poison in his brain. White hot rage washed through his veins as he saw the blond omega who was the cause of the sudden wave of emotions to crash on him, hugging and smiling at the puppy like male.

The words of his co-workers going through his head in an endless loop of warning. All the rumours and incidents of the sudden closeness of the omega and Seungmin bringing forth several questions and doubts.

The alpha stood there, watching the omega shower Seungmin with all of his attention. Such a pity he never noticed the heart eyes thrown his way.

Darkness filled the room, suffocating and heavy. Even the moonlight couldn't pass through the veil that covered the blond omega. As he writhed around in desperation. Images and words that could cut deeper than a blade, flashing into a mirage of ache.

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