I reached my home

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°°°°•°°°°Let me be the  one you rely on now, for you were the light that guided me even without knowing.°°°°•°°°°


Chan's POV

The darkness, it's suffocating, it's heavy shackles bind me to the place. The vile hands sliding over my being. It's disgusting, the air feels poisoned. The screaming silence haunts more than anything.

I try to break free, to escape but I can't move. My body feels like molded into a statue of hard flesh. The tang of fear was strong in my mouth. The darkness seem to swallow any sounds I could make.

Helpless. The feeling crept up over me like crashing wave. The shivers running down, from fear and disgust. As I the air became heavier.

Whispers. Treacherous ones. Honed to strike with fear. Grew louder and louder. Till they were crashing like rocks thrown. Hard and sharp. Each piercing through my ears, each word a like a guy wrenching punch.

How do I get out? Someone save me. This hurts. This is scary. I can't bear it.

Noone's POV

Wild screams erupted from the blond omega, as he trashed around. His eye lids fixed together as if by some enchantment. The tears escaped his closed eyes, like slithering snakes. Pleads for mercy and help fell from him incessantly.

Minho jolted awake from the screams. His heart pounded as he searched the room for any threats. His eyes finally registering the shivering form of Chan. His hands trashing about, trying to claw off the phantom hands.

Chan felt something constrict him, his eyes still unwilling to open as his sobs increased. He felt a slow warmth seeping closer to him. Two hands softly enclosing around him. But these hands didn't feel threathening. They conveyed a sense of safety, a comfort. His inner omega craved their touch. Complying to however they shifted him.

Minho carded his fingers through Chan's soft blond hair. Holding him close to his chest. His other hand drawing circles on the elder's back. His scent filled the room. Somehow calming the omega. Minho's inner Alpha let out a noise of satisfaction. Soft enough not to wake the sleeping omega.

The ravenet gazed at the omega, now sleeping peacefully. His temperature was still high, which worried Minho. He took in the sight of Chan, his wet clothes had been changed by Jisung. The omega now was in a sweater two sizes big on him, his hair still wet from being drenched. A permanent frown etched on his perfect brows, as his hands desperately clutched to his sides. He was curled up into a protective cocoon.

"What do you think, why was he out there like that?"

The soft question came from Jisung, his gaze filled with worry as he stood there. His eyes moved from Chan to Minho, a twinkle in his eyes. An obvious implication. Yet Minho turned it down. His blank as he saw the shine slowly die out of the brunet's eyes.

"I have no idea. But it was no small thing, and with how it got him, I don't want to leave him alone. Let's wait till he feels like he can share it with us."

"I really hope that he does."

Jisung could see the worry swimming in the alpha's eyes. Even if he kept his face neutral. His gaze softened so slightly on the sight of the blond omega. The brunet knew that gaze and he hoped that this time the gaze or the feelings that held the alpha in an ensnare don't fade out, like the last time they did. He believed his hyung to have gone through enough pain, he didn't want even the shadow of sorrow to dawn the latter.

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