Your Heart To Me

178 13 18

°°°°•°°°°"I let myself , ruin me. But I would rather be lonely and ruined, than contaminate your life which still holds hope."°°°°•°°°°


The wisp of cherries and peppermint lingered, drowning away everything else into oblivion. The sense of belonging, while holding the fragile omega. The unprecedented warmth that flowed throughout the alpha's chest. Everything about the blonde omega tugged at Minho's heartstrings. Questions having similarities to "Have your eyes always held the stars?" "What is hidden behind those beautiful orbs holding the galaxies?" "Why am I being pulled towards you?" "What is this need to be in your proximity?"

The thought of Chan never left Minho's mind. An unknown feeling of comfortable uneasiness crawled over him. Slithering from the bottom of his gut and making its abode in a corner of his heart. But with the feeling same the unsettling serpentine, fear and uncertainty started clouding mind. And like the splash of cold water, Minho came out of his dazed stupor. And even though it hurt his heart, he decided to steer clear of Chan till this unnamed feeling would vanish into the same oblivion it came from.

He is a male omega. A rejected male omega. With a questionable past. He walks in a veil shrouded with mystery. And maybe that is what pulls me. But this is not meant to be. Him and I. We are meant stay poles apart. Staying with him would be an open invitation of hostility from the rest of the staff. It is not worth it. And yet I can't cease this feeling of going against the world for him. What love potion did you experiment on me Bang. Why does my heart crave your presence.

Minho's inner alpha howled as if trying to answer the queries of an inexperienced child. And for the first time the alpha was too distracted to listen to his inner self. Lost in thoughts of a starry eyed and soft hearted omega.

(Y'all gonna kill me, cause of what I do for sure)


A sigh left the Alpha, the gloom spread throughout the room like an infectious virus. The refreshing scent of Lavenders and Lemon grass turning into a distressed sour one. While his mind was lost in the ramblings of his brunet mate. The reassuring voice of the Beta made him mesmerized and made him even more distressed as the thought of spending a week away from his mate.

"Common bub, you won't even realize that a week passed away with how packed your schedule will be. And I will always text you, we can also facetime at night Innie. Don't be so distressed."

Soft yet calloused hands ran through the Jeongin's raven hair. Many confused the ravenet with a Beta or even an Omega at times but when tested his patience well let's just say the person saw his darkest moments then.

"You speak as if you want me gone as soon as possible, Minnie."

The lips of Jeongin jutted out in an adorable pout. As he stared with dark brown eyes filled sparkling adoration for the male. As his cheeks puffed out demanding attention from the latter. An uncharacteristic whine leaving his plump lips as he made grabby hands towards the beta demanding cuddles at the latter's practice room.

A string of soft melodic giggles left the puppylike male. Endeared by the adorable clinginess of Jeongin. Giving in to the demanding Alpha, encasing the said male in warm much needed hug. Littering soft kisses on the silky dark hair of the Alpha.

"You know that very well is not the case. I will miss you more my coffee"

A comfortable silence enveloped the couple. As they held each other. They might not have been vocal about how much they will miss each other's absence. But they knew that the week would not be as easy as they tried to believe.

"I told you to bring me an iced strawberry latte, not a chocolate frappuccino. Are you so dumb to not even get an order right?"

The obnoxious sound resonated in almost empty cafeteria. Profanities and insults thrown at the short blond male. Head down turned and eyes filled with resignation he listened as if he had long given up on trying to defend himself. A wave of pity and protectiveness crashed over Seungmin as he reminisced his own experience.

Insults of the same kind thrown at him for accepting his mate. Being targeted for something none of them could control. For being a Beta and yet having an Alpha as his mate. Anger coursed through his veins like a molten flames. His legs moved of their own will towards the blond omega. As he recognized the infamous co-worker of his. And if anything it hurt him to see someone being ganged upon just because of their secondary gender.

The group fell silent on seeing the glare directed by a seemingly harmless person. But the whole building knew not to mess with the Golden voice of the company. An incident once was enough. The puppy boy had threatened to terminate his contract and the company fired more than a dozen people who had bullied the boy. That one instance was enough to make them realize The Kim Seungmin didn't need the company. The company needed him.

"If you get so worked up over a small mix up, I don't think you should work here before controlling your anger issues."

The eyes of the worker widened in fear, it was an unspoken rule to never cross Seungmin. He held the company in his grasp. A condensing smile appeared on the Beta's face, sending the bullies scurrying off on wobbling legs, with a nod.

"Are you alright?"

The words had no bite to them. Laced with genuine concern. Chan stared at the sudden change in fierce boy's behavior. A small nod was all the blond omega could muster. Afraid of making an enemy out of his new savior. Eliciting a soft giggle from the Beta.

"You don't need to be so scared of me, hyung. Can I call you hyung? You know since you already worked here when I joined for the first time, so I assume you are older. I did not mean to offend you or anything."

Seugmin was surprised to hear the giggle coming from the elder. Chan found the rambling of the younger cute, both shared genuine smiles when the elder nodded his head in consent. Both the boys walked together outside. Chattering like age old friends. Unknown to the fact that eyes followed them with a frown. Well the eyes specifically followed Chan, an unknown emotion swirling in them on seeing the blond omega smiling at someone else.


FINALLY *sighs* new characters are appearing while some are disappearing...........And my exams are finally done. But I have things piling up on me *CRIES* If I don't update for a month please automatically assume that I'm dead............I KNOW this one chap is not like the last ones. There are some issues with it. Even idk why it is like this.....But I will try to do better from now on

---Anon *sighs*

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