Lies the Answer

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I forgot the trigger warning ⚠️ and I am sorry because it might have caused issues and I am really sorry, so manipulation, mentions of abuse as well as copulation  interactions without any actual consent.

Noone's POV


The voice echoed throughout the cold building. No hint of the rage or violence from the previous night. But didn't contain the warmth and love that the omega so desperately craved.

This was frequent waking up a sober Kyungsoo, who would repent for his actions and cry out apologies towards the omega. The apologies which were unusual before now become repetitive. Like a daily household chore. Chan didn't hold any grudge for apologies but he couldn't help but let bloom the flower of rage for the reason behind them all.

Chan had tried insistently to refrain Kyungsoo, but he couldn't take away the only way his friends and colleagues gathered together. It felt like trespassing into the unknown territory and causing it damage. Restricting his Alpha felt wrong in the worst of sense. And Chan wished he could atleast refrain latter from drowning himself in alcohol.

The opening of the door snatched the attention of the omega. Their he stood, his Alpha with those indecipherable eyes churning with pity and mirth. As if the omega's tears caused his mind to reminiscent an old joke.

"Oh I am so sorry, Channie."

The cold hand caressed the omega's cheeks. Wiping off the tearstains. As a string of apologies and justifications come from the lips of the Alpha.

"You know that I lose control when I am drunk, and get super angry especially when I see you. Then why did you come to my room baby. Don't be so dumb again ok?"

The alpha claimed shamelessly. Lifting the fragile Chan and placing him on his lap. His hands holding the tiny waist of the latter. Nuzzling his nose into the soft nose of Chan. And as much as Chan wanted to be harsh and make his Alpha repent, he couldn't help but melt. The warmth and hurt over the said words flooding together inside his flesh.

He nipped the feeling of pain even before it could register. Bottling it up and only focusing on the way the hands wrapped around him and featherlight kisses he felt on his nape.

Chan knew it was wrong to keep on holding onto this relationship. But what else did the omega have except for his mate. And the omega knew the cruelty of the world.

A tiny part of Chan still hoped to change his boyfriend. To find the person who he loved. And yet he couldn't see the improbability of it. That the boy he loved was long lost and the one infront of him was what the world shaped him to be. Yet Kyungsoo was his mate. Even with all his flaws, Chan didn't have it in him to even hate a bone of the Alpha.

Still in his mind and itching to ask the question, Chan mumbled the almost incoherent words. He didn't want Kyungsoo to hear it. But the stars played against him again.

The grip around Chan's waist became uncomfortably tight. Almost scratching the skin of his sides. As he heard the low growl that indicated no good.

"You know I can't mark you. My job is at risk and the boss is already against me. Then why do you keep repeating it?"

The words got stuck in Chan's throat. Forming a huge lump within his throat. Blocking any kind of vocals to reach pass it.

"Do you not trust me?? Do my words hold so less importance to you??"

A whimpering voice of denial could be heard. As the alpha aggressively pulled the omega against his chest. The hug was suffocating Chan but he couldn't push away. Nor could he give Kyungsoo what he needed. An apology. Straining his chords, tension laced in his voice he let out the words.

"Please forgive me. I am sorry."

The devilish smirk did not leave the face. In his eyes glinted every ounce of darkness. And yet Chan still let the alpha have his way with him.

"Oh then make up for it, sweetie. Be a good pup and obey hyung."

The words held no kind of deeper emotions whatsoever. They were the empty. Just like how Chan felt. Empty to the core. He could leave if he wanted to. But Chan could never leave the only person who ever cared for him. The omega felt pathetic for staying but he couldn't think of himself leaving the only family he had.

The alpha carried Chan out of the attic. He willingly let the alpha do as he pleased. And never did Chan feel emptier or filtheir than this. Everytime this happened, the omega would go through the conflicting emotions. And he hated the way he felt towards Kyungsoo. His mate. The guilt burdened him, his mate did so much for him and yet he couldn't even do one thing for his Alpha. It pained him, to be unable to even do one thing right.

The dark thoughts were banished into the oblivion of his mind and he tried to focus on doing better. Unable to stop his heavy thoughts, the omega closed his eyes, trying locate himself in the same chasm of nothingness he made his thoughts be swallowed into. Letting the darkness cover his consciousness. And the darkness pitied the boy.

Because his pain was the reason of his own inner demons swallowing him. And the only one who could lead him towards light had himself gone astray from its path.

Filler Chappie guys
Bruh ---- I am too lucky in materialistic sense and too unlucky in the emotional sense. Cause I seem to be always making the wrong choice 🙂
- Anon

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