To the right one

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TW:- Contains topics like molestation and assault please skip if you are uncomfortable


°°°°•°°°°Sometimes the darkness is not consuming you, but hiding you from the creatures of misfortune°°°°•°°°°


All was black. The inky darkness seeping into his being. A wave of intense pain flared on the junction of his neck and shoulder, spreading towards the region, where the soothing mark should have been. Swirling into a spidery web of venom.
Another wave of ache burned through the omega's chest. Causing tears to fall from his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, dissolving into the inky darkness.

Chan was floating in the inky darkness. His eyes red like cherries born early in the spring and face puffy and soft as a plushie. His bodies aching from the sudden spasms of ache that kept increasing in intensity. A feeling of heaviness spreading through his veins, hands made from the inky darkness dragging him deeper into the void. His eyes closing as the heavy blanket of tiredness smothered is remaining conscience.

The brunette felt trapped and helpless seeing the person who had shielded him from every ache and heartbreak, crumbling down. His eyes teared on hearing the painful whimpers and  tossing and turning of the older omega. 5 days Jisung was desperate for the older to wake up now. He was too anxious to leave the older alone. The night still flashed through his eyes like an unwanted memory. Jisung had went to make dinner for himself and Hyunjin, seeing Chan to be at ease in his deep slumber. Jisung opted to buy groceries first. Little did the little omega expect to see a scene that stalled his heart after coming back.
Jisung stood frozen while Hyunjin checked the pulse of the older omega.
The pulse now a feeble vibration of blood circulation. As blood trickled in rivulets from Chan's chest. A stark symbol of the elder loosing his way in the dark void.

Since that day Jisung has been more anxious of leaving the elder alone. The thoughts of what if they were later than usual, what if they took hours to comeback instead of those 15 minutes, filled the brunette's mind. The result of those alternate realities were not something he wanted to experience.

Jisung tried really to help the older wake up from the black void. But the inky darkness seemed to consume his angelic hyung. Carding his soft fingers through the soft blonde mess of the older's hair. Jisung whispered the words he always wanted the older to hear. Reminding him how precious he was to Jisung and hoping that Chan finds his voice in the black void and floats back to reality. Floats back to Jisung.

The ineligible whispers came again. Hovering over his ears beckoning him to follow them. But Chan couldn't. He was stuck, held by the roots of the dark void. Making it harder for him to move as he thrashed trying to free himself. The soothing whispers again disappeared. Taking away his hope of escape. Tears followed like a silver stream. Painting his cheeks into a flush colour again. He let his eyes close as desperation caved inside him. Slowly letting his heavy eye lids drop. He eyes caught a flash of red. It seemed be all over Chan. A red string entangling him and the murky darkroots together. With that the veil of darkness rendered him blind and his consciousness immobile.


What is this place? How did I get here?

The alpha blinked his hazel eyes, searching the cavern to find nothing but darkness. Confusion and anxiety fought inside him and he stood. Unknowing whether to move forward or stay put. A light tug at his ring finger. A gentle one. He looked down to see a red string tied to him and extending further into the dark space. Suspicions fizzled inside him as he stared into the darkness.

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