Chapter 1: The First Step

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Y/n yawned awake, seeing the morning sky of Japan peeking through his window. It was a Saturday morning for him, meaning there wasn't any school for him to attend in the morning, or the rest of the day.

"Y/n! Are you up yet," his father called from downstairs, "Your mother made breakfast!"

"How much did she make?"

His father seemed to yell at him, "You do realize that it's because of your appetite that we have to be careful with how much we are spending right?!"

"Just because you have a point doesn't mean that you have to rub it in," Y/n yelled back down, now shuffling downstairs in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

This was a typical morning for Y/n's family, family back and forth banter between Y/n and his family, which led into breakfast mostly eaten by Y/n. The smell of his mother's breakfast seemed to pull him closer and closer to the table. As he sat down, he saw large portions of food on his plate, ready for him to eat. His mother ruffled the top of his head, and his father only smiled from behind the morning paper.

Y/n grabbed his utensils and smiled, "Itadakimasu!"

As he started eating, his mother came back out of the kitchen with breakfast for herself and her husband. Once Y/n was a third into eating, his head started to hang forward, and a series of snoring could be heard from him. Y/n's father rolled up his paper and gave Y/n a good smack on the pack of the head with it. Y/n woke up and blinked before going back to eating his food.

"So Y/n, do you plan to go out with your friends later today," his mother asks.

"Yeah," Y/n says before swallowing, now clearing his mouth, "We're going to the mall to the arcade today. Maybe get a game or two, or maybe some boots."

Y/n's father smiled, "Well you better be careful. I've been hearing some strange guy hanging out around there."

Y/n had finished his food quickly and stood up, "Yeah, sure thing."

After Y/n took his dishes into the kitchen, he walked up the stairs and into his room, only to stop once he closed the door. A flash of flames shrouded his vision for just an instant. He shook his head, closing his eyes tight for a moment and seeing his room again.

"The hell was that about," he asked himself, only to shake it off, "Eh, probably nothing."

Little did Y/n know that this was going to be in his future. He got into a better pair of pants, t-shirt, and grabbed a hoodie before heading out.

"I'll see you tonight!"

He stepped out of his house and grabbed his bike, riding down the road to the mall. As the wind blew in his face and the cars passed by, he could feel the cool morning air on his face and his hands. Soon enough he could see his friends waiting outside the mall for him.

"What's up guys?"

"Nothing much," one of them says with a smile, "We're just waiting on you."

One of them, Haru, was a little pissed off, "We were waiting for 15 minutes! If you were any slower, we wouldn't be getting any copies of the game we're getting!"

"Hehehe, don't worry, don't worry," Y/n says with a wide smile, "We'll still get a copy."

"HOW WOULD YOU KNOW THAT," he screamed with his teeth turning to fangs, "WE'D GET IT SOONER IF YOU HADN'T SLEPT IN AND EATEN SO MUCH FOOD!"

The first guy, Kota, only laughed at his antics, "See? I told you don't worry, besides you're making a scene with your yelling. So lower your voice and let's go inside already."

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