Chapter 2: The Flames Rise

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Y/n woke up in the morning to see the sun shining through his window, slightly blinding his eyes from the sun. After he blinked a few times, he climbed out of bed and walked down the stairs. Once he was down there, Y/n saw his mother and father both making his lunch.

"Good morning," he greeted.

Y/n's father looked over, "good morning. Y/n, I just want you to know that your mother and I are going to be working late tonight. So if you don't see us when you get home, then go ahead and get takeout before you go to bed."

"Thanks dad," Y/n says, sitting down and starting to eat what was already ready for him.

"No Ichiraku," Y/n's mother calls out from the kitchen

"Aw man, why not," Y/n complains.

"Do you not remember the last time you ate from them," his father asked, "You almost ordered their entire stock of food if it wasn't for your mother and I."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Y/n jokingly says, continuing to eat.

"Whatever, but if you call them, ask if their day has been slow," his father ordered, "Then if they say yes to it, then you can buy them out."

"Yesh," Y/n yelled with food in his mouth and raised his hands into the air.

"You are not helping in the slightest," his mother scolded, hitting his father with a wooden spoon.

"You'd better get ready for school, big guy," his father reminded him, "So finish that quickly before you get ready."

Y/n looked at the time and nodded, "You're right."

His parents looked over to see him shoveling food into his mouth. Somehow Y/n was able to keep eating without choking on his food, only to shove the last bits of his food into his mouth before running upstairs. Even after the years that they have raised him, they still wondered how he was able to eat that much food.

10 minutes later, Y/n came downstairs ready for school and grabbed the large bag that carried his lunches.

"Alright, I'm off," Y/n yells to them, "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"If you do end up getting Ichiraku, save two bowls for us," his mother yells as he runs out the door.

At Kuoh Academy, Kiba was standing before Rias and had finished his report from yesterday.

"So he is compatible with one," Rias nodded, "When did he touch the fruit?"

"It was about 3 pm, that puts the timing within the final quarter hour after school," Kiba estimates, "He'll have 24 hours after that to gain his powers."

"We'll make sure he is in our hands by the time he unlocks them," Rias tells him, "So we shouldn't worry about that. What we should worry about is what Gear was given and how he will be able to control it."

At that moment, Sona Shitori, Rias' friend and Student Council President of Kuoh Academy, walked into the clubroom.

"Rias," Sona greeted, "I believe there is news that you have for me."

"Hello Sona," Rias smiled at her, "We may have a case of someone in Kuoh having a Devil Gear towards the end of school today. Since you are our resident expert on Devil Gears, I thought you'd like to know."

"Oh really? Do you know who it is," Sona asked curiously.

"Y/n D. L/n," Rias answered, "But our main mystery is which Devil Gear he acquired."

Sona nodded, "Kiba, Koneko said that you were the one watching Y/n yesterday, can you describe what the fruit he took home looked like?"

"Sadly I can't because his body was covering it, but the other ones I did see," Kiba answered, "The Moku Moku, and Baku Baku no Sobis."

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