Chapter 8: Another Devil Gear User

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Y/n was in his room with Rias looking furiously at him. In her hand was a wanted poster with Y/n's name and face on it. He was excited to see this, but Rias wasn't happy, knowing that his existence is now known to the Church and Rogue Exorcists who will now come after him to collect the money on his head.

"You do realize the danger that you have put yourself in with this right," Rias asked him, "You will need to train a lot just to combat everyone taht will try to collect the bounty."

"Keyword in that sentence is try," Y/n points out with a wide smile, "Because they will fail and end up with burn marks!"

"You are too calm about this," Rias yells at him, "You need to be careful wherever you go now."

"Well no one has come after me yet," Y/n says before laughing, "But that will change now that I have a bounty!"

She only shook her head, and asked about his trip to Dressrosa. Y/n then sat down and explained the entire trip that he could remember. Some of the details he had forgotten, and others he purposefully left out for now. One of such details was Viola being the real royalty in that country.

"I am still upset that you went to this world on your own without my brother or Serafall confirming its legitimacy, but now it can't be helped that you've already proven it," Rias says, shaking her head, "Now what else have you learned about this world?"

Y/n explained the part where there wasn't any internet, but had snails that acted as their electronics. As well as their currency that was worth the same as the yen they used.

"So all in all, you had a good time, especially with this Violet woman," Rias asks, taking a mental note in her head.

"Yeah, next time I go to Dressrosa, she's gonna be the first person I greet," Y/n says with a smile.

Rias sighs, knowing this was another woman that Y/n has somehow attracted. She pushed it aside in her mind for now, and continued with her thoughts, "Well you need to understand that I'm highly disappointed with you. As your Club President and a friend, I want you to tell me everything that might be important that comes to mind."

"If I think of anything, sure," Y/n nods, with a serious face, "Anything else to say to me?"

"Yeah, like what did you do to get your name and face put on the Church's wanted posters," she asked, putting up a noise concealing barrier around the room.

"I think it has to do with the church that burned down," Y/n immediately answered as he started thinking, "Cause there's not really anything else that comes to mind when it comes to me being on their wanted posters."


"It was...the same night that you all met that Freed guy I think," Y/n answered, causing a flashback.

Y/n was standing in front of the church that was built to replace the ruined one. He walked inside and sat down on one of the back benches. After a minute, a priest walked up to Y/n and sat next to him.

"And what do you wish to say to our Lord this night, my son," the priest asked Y/n.

"Only two questions for the Church, not God himself," Y/n answered, catching the Priest's attention.

"Go ahead my son, I shall answer as best as I can," the Priest urged Y/n on.

"Is it not the duty of the Church and God's loyal followers to help everyone without discrimination in any way they can," Y/n asked first, to which the Priest nodded to with a smile. Y/n smiled to himself for a second before losing it quickly, and getting to his main question, "Then why is it that Asia Argento was exiled from the Church, when she did what any other person would do to help and nurse someone back to health, with her Sacred Gear?"

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