Party - Nadine Franklin *

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Y/N stood against the wall, holding a glass of whiskey in her hand. She took a deep breath and enjoyed the festive music. The house was filled with happy people dancing and talking. Y/N's eyes were fixated on Nadine. She was dressed in a plain white tank top and gray sweatpants. Her brown hair was tied up in a loose ponytail. Y/N's chest felt heavier as Nadine walked over to her.

"Nice party, Nadine." Y/N smiled, biting her lip as her eyes scanned up and down Nadine's body.

"Yeah...I thought it would've been a bust." Nadine chuckled, shrugging a little. "I'm really glad you came though."

"I didn't have anything else planned tonight and I wanted to see you." Y/N smirked, taking a sip of her whiskey.

"It's good, isn't it?" Nadine asked as she raised her eyebrows and gestured her hand to the glass of whiskey in Y/N's hand.

Y/N licked her lips and tilted her head to the side. "The whiskey?" Y/N asked, her voice a little lower in pitch. "It's strong, but really good."

Nadine moved closer to Y/N and bit her lip. She took a slow, deep breath and spoke in a soft tone, "Hold on, you got a little something." Her soft, warm skin pressed against Y/N's face, wiping off the leftover whiskey on the corner of Y/N's lip.

"Thanks." Y/N chuckled softly, her eyes locked with Nadine. "You want some?"

Nadine nodded and leaned toward the glass, pressing it between her lips. Y/N stared back at Nadine as the glass rested in between Nadine's lips. Y/N licked her lips as Nadine pulled away from the glass. The two stared at each other, their eyes locked, as they both savored the moment.

Nadine closed her lips tightly, then slowly opened them again and exhaled slowly, "Wow, that's really strong."

Y/N smiled at Nadine and placed the glass of whiskey on the table behind her. "I just want to say you look amazing tonight."

Nadine looked down at the floor to hide her face and then looked back up at Y/N. "No, you look amazing tonight. Come on, look at yourself. I'm surprised a guy hasn't come up to you, yet." Nadine smiled with a wink.

Y/N smiled to herself and looked down at the red crop top she was wearing, along with the black jeans matched with her doc martens. "Too bad I don't want a guy." Y/N shrugged.

Nadine raised her eyebrows and stepped closer to Y/N. "How about a girl, mm?"

"It all depends on who the girl is." Y/N's eyes darted from Nadine's eyes to her chest. Her face alight with interest.

"What if that girl is me?" Nadine asked, her hands falling to Y/N's waist, looking into her eyes. Y/N's heart thudded in her chest. Her breathing quickened. The two were just inches apart from one another.

Y/N's lips formed a playful smirk as she bit her lip. "I wouldn't complain if it's you."

After a brief pause, Nadine looked behind her, and then back at Y/N. "Why don't we take this upstairs to my room, where it's a little more private? That way we can talk without worrying about people eavesdropping" Nadine asked with a small, but noticeable, smirk.

Y/N nodded her head in agreement as Nadine led her upstairs to her bedroom. Nadine shut the door behind them with a click, and then locked it. Nadine slowly walked over to Y/N, brushing her hand down her chest. Their eyes met as Nadine leaned in.

"We're not going to talk, right?" Y/N's hand brushed against Nadine's waist.

"Just shut up." Nadine whispered, her warm breath ghosting against Y/N's lips. She rested her forehead against Y/N's, her lips brushing against hers. Y/N wrapped her arms tighter around Nadine, pulling her closer.

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