I'm not really sure why I've decided to put this up here. This is an AWFUL idea, and risks me losing my job, my chances of ANY type of promotion, and at worst? A breach of secrecy.
W█ll, █tl██st p██pl█ m█ght b█ █nd█r th█ b█l██f th█s m█ght b█ █ ""r█l█pl█y"" █cc██nt, s█ █ m█y █sw█ll █s█ th█t. Wh█'s g█nn█ st█p m█?
Anyways. If the guy who decided to write on my personnel file that people should "dump all their paperwork on me" sees this, just know that I am one step closer to finding you and that when I do i swear to god I'll ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ and ███████████.
- Iceberg
Iceberg's personal record of bullshit
Mizah██/██/██ An app appeared on my phone. I've tried everything I could to removed it, I swear, but it either just comes back or straight up doesn't work. Here I am deciding to use it. The worst part of this is that I can't change ANY info about myself...