Season 3 Part 2

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July 1st, 1985

News Reporter:
It's Monday Everybody, The first day of July. 3 more days until the biggest celebration of Independence Day. Today's weather news, It's going to be cloudy and rainy all day until tonight we'll have a big storm coming up. So make sure you bring yourself an umbrella. Stay dry.

The Local Police Station received a call of disturbing noises coming from Doris' address. Callahan calls Powell to proceed to her address to perform a wellness check. They approach at Driscoll's House, Nick hears two cars approaching by seeing the police cars outside of his window and he carries his gun pistol to him. He immediately said to Doris who's still in her bedroom, "Hey Grandma!" Doris ask, "Yes what is it sweetie?" Nick reply, "Uhh... Here." Nick gives his letter to Doris. "What is this." She asked. Nick reply, "Is a letter, I hope you understand. I gotta go! Bye!" Nick leaves the house in the back of the house with his backpack and sneaks to his bike and rides away. The police knocks on her door but no one is answering it. Meanwhile Doris was reading Nick's letter. After finished reading it, she felt emotional and proud, then she heard a creepy squealing noises coming from her closet. She checks and the melted pile of biomass got her. Doris screams in pain. Callahan then proceeded to open the door, rationalizing that they would need to check whether she had experienced a hearth attack or not. By looking around the house, Powell and Callahan soon found the remnants of the rat cage with the bloody tracks that led upstairs. The bloody tracks leads to her kitchen and they saw Doris Driscoll at the top of the stairs as she offered them some lemonade. In their process conversation, Doris Driscoll talked all about her conspiracy theories about the assassination of Kennedy and alien involvement. Callahan excused himself to go on his dentist appointment, leaving Powell to investigate further. As it turned out that both lemonade drinks had been spiked by Driscoll but since only Powell drank and stayed behind, only he was affected. After the drink took effect, Powell fainted to the floor. Doris carried Powell to his car and drove towards to the Brimborn Steelworks. She then left Powell in his car there.

Nancy Wheeler told her colleagues the story of Driscoll's rat and fertilizer, but only to be laughed at and told that Doris is a nut job. However, Nancy was determined to prove her worth and returned to Driscoll's house.

While Joyce and Hopper are suspecting the Hawkins National Laboratory for scientists, Nick arrives at the Hawkins Lab, before he enters, he sees a person that looks Martin Brenner in his imagination. He begins to look for an investigation of kidnapped records from the messing kids in 1970s, only finding nothing but a file that scientists left. Nick reads it, "After the exposing and shutting down the Hawkins National Laboratory, the government and the scientists moved to Nevada. Martin Brenner and Sam Owens established a new Laboratory with their brand new, The Nina Project." After reading it, he heard footsteps coming towards to him, only to be told by a Russian Hitman, Grigori, to get lost and ripped off the file that Nick was holding. *Clanging sounds* Nick then left the Hawkins Lab to return with Doris Driscoll. Nick feels suspicious about the guy that he was been told.

Before Nancy and Jonathan arrives at Driscoll's House. Nick arrives home, he sense colder and sees a bloody tracks coming from the kitchen, and Doris' bedroom, until he walks downstairs in the basement. (Yesterday by The Beatles playing) Nick found Doris eating fertilizer, he freaks out and screams, "NAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO!!" Doris got scared of Nick as being paranoid schizophrenic, "Ah, da- Ni.. Nick! I'm sorry-" Doris growls and chases Nick, Nick terrified of her and ran away from her. But Doris can't get to upstairs by tripping over. She only focused on herself eating fertilizer. Nick hides into his closet only to hide from Doris and he cries to the floor after what he saw and remembering the memories they've made each other, "No, no.. no. No Grandma. I loved you." He closed his eyes. Meanwhile Nancy and Jonathan returns to Driscoll's property in order to retrieve the diseased rat. But nobody responds the door, so they enter into her home committing trespass. Only until they find her in the basement eating fertilizer. They promptly called the police and Doris was taken to Hawkins Memorial Hospital. Among the police present was Callahan. As the ambulance carried Doris away, she cried that she had to go back, as the ambulance passed Brimborm Steel Works. "Let me go! Let me go! I have to go back! I have to go back!"

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