Soviet Union's New Plan

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July 4th, 1985

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July 4th, 1985

Around that time when Joyce pulled the keys to shut down the machine, Hopper dived for cover and landed on a lower platform as electricity flooded the facility. Though he had survived, Hopper was soon captured by the Soviets and took him to Kamchatka, Russia. After being tortured by the Soviet Union and refusing to give up information on Joyce, Hopper was sentenced and imprisoned.

 After being tortured by the Soviet Union and refusing to give up information on Joyce, Hopper was sentenced and imprisoned

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At Starcourt Mall:

After the attack and Nick executed Kriznov, Kriznov was living for a minute after the execution. Kriznov's brother, Markov, he arrived in the west side of the Mall and found the body of Kriznov. Markov noticed Kriznov that he's still alive for a minute, Kriznov speaks.

"брат. Мне жаль."
("Brother. I'm sorry.")
"Ты в порядке?  Кто это сделал?!"
("Are you okay? Who did this?!")
"Mальчик, обладающий телекинезом.  Он был частью проекта MK Ultra."
("A boy who has telekinesis. He was part of the MK Ultra Project.")
"Подопытные еще живы?!"
("The experimental subjects are still alive?!")
"Товарищ Степанов мне все рассказал.  Но теперь ты примешь мой заказ.  Соберите свою команду спецназа и выполните эту цель.  Победите всех, кто стоит перед нами.  Гордиться Родиной."
("Comrade Stepanov told me everything. But now you're gonna take my order. Get your Spetsnaz team and execute that target. Defeat all that stand before us. Make the Motherland proud.")
"Да мой брат.  Я не подведу тебя."
("Yes my brother. I won't fail you.")

Kriznov gave the picture to Markov of Nick where he was escaping the Roane County Fair. After that, he took his one last breath and leaned his right hand on Markov's cheek. Then the death of Kriznov has confirmed by Markov's vision. Markov leaned his head on Kriznov's chest as mourning the loss of his brother.

As the USA Military were arriving, some Soviets escaped back to Russia to continue experiments involving the Upside Down. Markov carried Kriznov's body and took him back to Russia to buried him with fire in his funeral. Markov spoke with Stepanov about taking the orders of Kriznov's. Stepanov felt angrily ruthless inside of himself since the death of Kriznov, he accepted to give orders to Markov.

February, 1986

Markov and his Spetsnaz soldiers starts invading in the east side of United States to search Nick for an execution, as a promise and payback for his brother Kriznov.

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