Chapter 14

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Lorenzo's POV

And yet another morning with her in my arms. Looking at her sleeping so peacefully makes me very happy. Afterall it'd been my dream to wake up next to her. Yesterday, she actually showed that she's strong. She saw the torture. When I was asked to see one, I ran during the first half itself. She stayed for the whole time. Though her grip tightened and she threw up in the end.

Today was rather a free and relaxing day because I only have one meeting today that too will not take much time. All I have to do is sign the deal. Then I'm with her for the whole day. After our amazing night yesterday, she soon fell asleep. Before sleeping I had thrown away her laptop and phone in the junk by crashing it away.

"Morning Mr Giovanni. What's going on here?" Her sweet morning voice broke me from my thought process. "Morning Mrs Giovanni. I was thinking how lucky I am to have you in my arms today." I brought her more in my chest as we sat and she hugged me back. "That you are." She giggled. "Hungry?" I asked, looking down at her.

"Could eat a whole blue whale." She answered. I smiled at her and called one of my maids to bring us breakfast. I picked her up and sat her on the island near my basin. I first brushed her teeth and then mine. This was regular. I'd hardly let her do anything and she'd always complain that if I do everything for her then she'll forget to do them someday and I'd reply that if not me then who will spoil my queen. After having breakfast we walked in for a bath.

"What are you doing today Mr Giovanni?" She asked me to splash water on her. "Well, I'm going to be super busy today and no you can't come to my office with me so you can maybe just spend some time with Tatiana." I lied. "Tats... She's always busy." She sighed. I hate lying to her I swear. "Wait. How is she busy? She's not even appointed with any work." These days we are very quiet because things are good on all sides of the mafia world.

"No I mean.. she's with her friend." She's hiding something for sure. "Last time I checked she has no friends except for you." I replied. "No, I mean she is just with Marco?" She asked more than answered. "You know Ana, sometimes I think they're a thing." I've noticed both of their behaviour change when in front of or around each other.

"What if they are? Will you accept them?" She asked. Why won't I? Do I look so arrogant to people? "I'm not their parent. Why do they need my acceptance for their love? It's not in our hands to love people is it?" I asked tucking a lock of hair behind her ears. "Really!? You'd accept them? I have to tell this to Tats." What does that mean? Are they really a thing?

"Ana, what's going on? Are they really dating?" I asked, raising a brow. "Oh shit! Yes... But they asked me more like they begged me not to tell you. They say that you won't accept them and both of them are orphans and you'd kick them out from both your house and the mafia... So... I kept quiet." She explained.

"Why did you not tell me? Have I ever denied you anything that I'd for this? And it's their life, they should celebrate it!" I exclaimed. She smiled sheepishly, shrugging at it. "Ana, promise me now onwards, you won't hide anything from me no matter what. Ofcourse I'm not going to tell anyone. It's fair only if we both don't hide things from each other okay?" I was a bit irritated though.

"Okay Mr Giovanni I won't hide anything from you. Happy?' she pecked me. I nodded my head and soon we walked out of the bathroom. After getting ready I walked from behind her and circled my arm around her waist. I picked her up in my arms, rotating around the room.

"What's with you? Weren't you supposed to be busy today?" She asked giggling. "Not really, I just wanted to bluff with you." I sat her on the bed and sat on the floor near her legs. "Hey! How about we catch both of the lovers red-handed and then surprise them by accepting their relationship?" She asked.

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