Chapter 29

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Lorenzo's POV

"What are we doing daddy?" Atlas asked. "First of all, your mommy is sick so don't make noise okay and right now you're going to have so much fun. Just wait and watch." I told them as they all stood there silently.

"But what are we doing daddy?" Alex whined. "Exercise, my boy." I grinned at them. "What! Exercise? It's so boring. I'm not going to do it." Atlas sat on a chair and frowned. "Okay so now, I'll first lay on my stomach on this mat then one by one get on my back okay?" I smiled as they nodded questioningly.

I laid on the mat and first Alex climbed and I started with my push-ups. Then slowly slowly he got down then Aiden sat. Then Atlas.

Later on they asked if they all could sit together and I nodded. I know it was utterly foolish but I wanted to take the risk. First Alex, then Atlas, then Aiden sat and it was the first time I think I heard him laugh and smile so much after that incident... I heard some shuffling on the bed but the joyous laughter of these three just won't stop and we ended up waking up my queen.

"Boys, get down and give me and mommy a minute okay?" I asked. "Daddy" Aiden started. "Yes baby?" I asked as he was still sitting on my back and the other two got down. "Why don't you make mumma sit on your back too and do this exercise? I'm sure she'll enjoy it too?" He suggested getting down with a huge grin. I looked up at Ana for any kind of sign but as expected her gaze was on Aiden.

"Ana?" I asked as she looked at me. "Wanna ride me?" I asked, smirking at her. She knew very well what I meant as she playfully slapped my shoulder. "If my boy says so, then yes. I'll sit on your back as you do these pushups. But don't make me fall." She warned as she smiled at Aiden. "That's not even a matter of worry Mrs Giovanni. Do you really think I'll make you fall?" I asked as she shook her head.

She carefully sat on my back and I started with my push-ups. She was light as weather. And I have seven habits of picking her up everywhere I go so it was the least of my concern. What mattered me the most was that Aiden was slowly getting back to his normal self. Soon she got down and I stood up. "Had fun boys?" I asked as they all nodded.

"Now listen to me carefully okay? First as I told you all, I have gifted you all board games so you can pass your time playing with that. Me and your mumma have some work so it will take time. You all play and have fun but remember boys, I don't need any of your complaints okay? You all are big enough to handle your own self, right?" I asked as they nodded. "So now go fast and have fun." I bent down pecking their foreheads.

"Bye momma, bye daddy." They said one by one. "Bye bye my boys. Be good." I answered as Ana just waved her hands. "Ana, I'll bring another water bag, until then, you get a bit fresh, then I'll massage you okay? No arguments, I'll be back." I know she won't ever listen to me so I warned her beforehand only.

I walked down and instructed Nana to keep an eye on boys too and stay with them. I took out a water bag for my queen and walked in as I saw her face getting red and she was clutching her stomach painfully. Shit man! I can't even take her pain away.

"Ana... I know this is very stupid question but are you okay?" I asked as I gently closed the door behind me. "Yeah? What?" She burst out of her little bubble and looked at me, now trying to act as if nothing happened, just so I don't worry about her. I know her too well to be true. "I asked if you are okay?" "Yeah... Ofcourse I am. Why what's wrong?" Oh Jesus she and her ways of trying to lie to me.

"Come on Ana, at least stop lying now. I know you are in pain. You don't need to hide anything from me." I whispered as I hugged her reaching towards the bedside table. Her cute little head was dug in my stomach as she grabbed on my tee. I stroke her hair quietly and let her have her own time. "Ana, do you want something? Do you want to go out? Or-" "Sit here Lori." She interrupted me as she patted the place beside her.

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