Chapter 7 (Faina): Please Crumble

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

As was typical, Alaric had no visible reaction when I told him I'd begun the dissolution of our bond. Probably because he already knew.

"I'm aware, Faina, but I refuse to discuss it right now. I want to make sure you and the twins are OK, and I don't want to cause you any more upset."

A little late for that, Alaric.

Before he could say much more than that, two of the doctors walked into my room and Alaric turned to face them.

"You didn't knock," he said simply, stopping them cold. "You just walked into my bride's room without asking?"

"Mr. Archambeau, our apologies," the taller doctor said. There had been so many in so short a time that I didn't know their names. "We can come back whenever you say."

"Faina?" Alaric looked at me.

"Stay," I told the doctors.

"We have some test results back, and we have some theories we'd like to discuss with you," the taller doctor explained immediately, probably having seen Alaric's eyes. "With you both. Whenever it's convenient," he said, flashing a look at Alaric.

Flash a look at me, doctor. I'm much more of a danger to you now.

"Bring everyone in here," I said. "And I'll hear what you have to say."

In less than ten minutes, there were at least twenty-five people in my room and a huge whiteboard on wheels. My sister had returned, but my parents were still at home and could catch up later.

"There're too many people in here to have an involuntary muscle spasm," Aullana whispered to me as she eyed Alaric with distaste. "But as soon as they leave..."

She patted her purse and I mouthed behave to her.

"Begin," Alaric told those assembled in my room.

There were so many doctors, I knew I'd never remember names unless they became my permanent doctors for the duration of the pregnancy. For now, I just needed to listen.The first doctor pointed to a timeline on the whiteboard. "Approximately eight weeks ago, your husband said your blood soured in his mouth, leading him to believe your bond was crumbling. Yesterday, eight weeks later, you felt ill. Dizzy. Nauseated. You fainted, and passed out for close to an hour."

"She's well aware of these events," Alaric said, impatient. "Move it along."

Nodding the doctor continued. "Vampire pregnancies are known to be unstable for the first eight weeks until the fetus settles in. During that time, the mother is producing an incredible amount of blood, to support both the fetus and the father. The fathers all say the blood becomes even better to encourage feeding. The longer the father feeds, the more blood is produced, which helps protect the fetus and better the odds of the pregnancy making it to that critical eight-week mark. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work and we don't understand why, but until the fetus settles in, the pregnancy is at risk."

A different doctor took over at this point.

"Instead of getting better, your blood soured eight weeks ago at the beginning of your pregnancy, Mrs. Archambeau," she said. "Unlike humans, we date the beginning of the pregnancy from the improving of the blood, which happens immediately, so the father is always the first to know the second he begins to feed. All of this is well-known and documented. But now we face the unknown with your pregnancy and this is where we start hypothesizing. We believe that your blood soured at the start of your pregnancy to discourage feeding since you're carrying twins. Two vampire fetuses would require even more blood to support them, especially during those critical first eight weeks, and your body was reacting to protect these two lives. You needed every bit of blood for the fetuses, to keep them healthy and thriving."

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