What You Should Know About My Vampires

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This story has been on my Facebook page for a while. I kept planning to put it up, but I kept delaying it because this one is special and I hated the thought of it being stolen.

Well, some nasty snake on my page stole it, despite it not being quite complete, so now it's on all of the pay per chapter apps, illegally. So I felt that I needed to put it up to WP so nobody pays money for it. Apologies to those of you who have. (Just as a commercial break: please! I don't care how awesome the story sounds, if it's on a PPC app, it's probably been stolen and if you pay to read a story, you are just encouraging the cockroaches to keep stealing.) 

There's a lot to get through before beginning this story so you understand what to expect/what not to expect...

First and foremost, a HUGE thank you to everyone on my Facebook page who helped to shape this story. It was rattling around in my mind for a while, but I needed feedback...and got it when I put up the first few chapters and asked for feedback! So my gratitude to everyone (and there were hundreds of you) who commented and brainstormed and made suggestions that went into the story and helped make it what it is. I am so appreciative to all those on my FB page who contributed their thoughts and suggestions, who asked questions and had ideas. Your input was invaluable to this story.

So what my vampires are and aren't: My vampires are very much alive and are not the undead.  They live longer than normal human beings (about two hundred years), they're extremely hard to kill and they can have children. There are two types of vampires: the receveurs and donneuses. The males, the receveurs, drink the blood, and the females, the donneuses, provide the blood. The males have fangs on the top that come out when they feed, and on the top and bottom when they fight; the females do not have fangs, but they do have extra blood in their systems. All vampires eat normal food, can go out into the sun and can see their reflections in the mirror. Garlic doesn't affect them at all. They don't sleep during the day or turn into bats. They are incredibly strong, pretty fast and usually extremely restrained, almost unnaturally calm...except when you get in the way of what they want. :)

A phrase you'll see throughout this story is feed and release. After the male feeds, he must have sex immediately after, and you'll understand why after reading the prologue. I set up how these vampires came into being and evolved over thousands and thousands of years into what they are today. That's also going to be important to the story.

There is also a blood bond mentioned in the story. My vampires are not fated mates; however, a male sometimes sees a female and just knows she is his. Not every married vampire couple takes the step of creating a blood bond; it's not mandatory. Some, however, like Alaric and Faina, do create a blood bond. The blood bond teaches the Hunger that lives inside all male vampires that this female is theirs. That means that the Hunger's #1 on his list is always blood, but with the creation of a blood bond, protecting the blood bride is now #2 on the list. You'll see why that's important. 

Note that this bond, however, does not prevent a male from feeding and releasing with another female, so cheating is possible. Once a vampire male begins feeding (and releasing) daily, they begin to need blood. Once they are on the daily train, they can go two or three days without blood before the Hunger inside begins to need it in a serious way. The blood bond between a couple means she can compel him to stop feeding (and other things, as you'll see), and he can compel her to sleep if he accidentally drinks too much blood. If the blood of a donneuse sours, that means the bond between them is broken and the two vampires have to split up since he can no longer drink from her. It's immediate; there's no going back from sour blood. Remember that if you're tempted to ask why he didn't just tell her. That's the answer: there's no going back from sour blood.

I want to give a warning without giving too much away: something happens in the story and after talking it over with readers on my Facebook page, I decided to include a non-con content warning at one point. That is strictly for the humans reading this. In the vampire world, what happens is not seen that way at all and that is why they don't talk about it as non-con or even think much of it. It is simply what happens given the nature of the beast, so to speak. You'll understand more as you get to that part but I wanted to explain that upfront why the vampires seem to take it in stride and don't think too much of it.

This story will be going up throughout this weekend. I wanted to get this up so anyone searching for it sees that it will be here on Wattpad and will not pay for it since they can't find it anywhere else.

The Vampires #1: Alaric and FainaWhere stories live. Discover now