Chapter 16 (Alaric): Her Limp Body

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA


When I announced to the court that I preferred to die than accept the Vautour's offer of marriage to his daughter, a sound between a growl and a shriek turned my head. Daylin's face was suffused in fury and disbelief.

"No! You can't be serious!"

"Deadly serious," I said to her. "Given the choice of a life with you or losing my head, I would choose death every time as it's a much better option than being with you."

Daylin's face had turned angrier and angrier with each word I'd spoken. She whirled from me and looked at her father, whose face was displeased but not as angry as his daughter's. Had the two of them really thought I'd accept?

"Papa," she said, "I want you to demand his head now. Use your votes for that!"

The Alarie pounded his gavel to restore order, because once again, the court had erupted into shocked exclamations. By asking for my immediate death, Daylin was, in effect, saying she wanted to kill the twins Faina was carrying. The twins that our entire community, near and far, knew about and were fascinated by.

When the courtroom quieted, the Alarie fixed his cold eyes on Daylin. 

"In deference to your family name, I'll ignore what you just requested. The court will chalk it up to an extreme overreaction to discovering that you won't be able to avoid a twenty-five year prison sentence since the vampire you thought would save you from that has, in no uncertain terms, declared he wants no part of you or your father's offer."

Proving she was beyond reason, she opened her mouth and the Alarie pointed his gavel at her. "Speak again, and I'll put you in prison today."

Daylin's face turned red with her rage, but she managed to keep her mouth closed.

Later that day, when I walked into Faina's bedroom to feed, she was standing at the window, her back to me. I stepped up until I was right behind her.

"I want you to accept the Vautour's offer, Alaric."

I'd suspected she'd have some words for me on the subject, but I hadn't expected her to sound so calm and resolute. "I cannot, Faina."

She faced me then, those golden eyes showing me just how deep her pain went. 


"You know as my blood bride that I've always given you whatever you want, but in this I can't. I couldn't be without you, Faina. I'd be tied to Daylin forever and even if I tried to keep her from our children, she could petition the Twelve to assert her rights as a stepparent -- and her being around our children is not something I would tolerate. It's a future that would destroy me, but I think it would destroy you as well, which I won't allow. You saw how willing she was to sacrifice our children today by demanding my head immediately. My way, you'll be free to move on, find a father for our children and create a new blood bond. It's for the best this way."

"No! My way you'd still be alive, Alaric."

I forced her to look in my eyes. "Do you think that would be living, Faina? Being without you is existing, not living. I have no fear of dying, but I do fear a future that doesn't include you. It's unthinkable to me."

Faina shook her head. "You lied to me and deceived me for weeks...and yet despite everything, I don't want you dead, Alaric. I would rather with Daylin than die. You could still be a part of our children's lives that way. They wouldn't grow up without you and I would know you were still there."

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