Chapter 20 (Alaric): Such A Rush

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA


While the courtroom was occupied with the shock of the Vautour's imminent execution, I made my way to Faina. She looked calm but victorious, her hand resting on the swell of her stomach.

"Are you OK, my love?" I asked her.

She nodded, her eyes filled with emotion. So much had happened. So much of her pregnancy had been tainted by all of this horror I'd brought on us. And still Faina persevered.

"I want you to go home," I told her, feeling the need to protect her and the babies from further distress. "I'm going to stay because I want to look that bastard in the eye as his head is taken. He was willing to let our babies die and I feel the need to witness vengeance."

My Faina's eyes flared. "My claim to witness vengeance is greater than yours, Alaric," she said to me, her eyebrows arched. "The Vautour was demanding your head for protecting me and our children, and then he was willing to let our children die. So, no, I won't be going home, but I will be witnessing his execution so he can look in my eyes as the Alarie takes his head and he will die knowing that he did not win."

I knew my wife would not be dissuaded, so I smiled at her. "Very well. We'll both go and he can look into our eyes and we'll be the last thing he sees. His daughter failed in her attempt to end you and our twins, and he failed in his attempt to end me and our twins."

Faina smiled at me and took the hand I held out to her. "Dating you has always been an adventure, Alaric. Nothing run-of-the-mill about your dates. You sure know how to show a girl a good time."

I wanted to take Faina to bed and remind her of exactly how well I knew how to show her a good time.

"I know we have a lot to discuss," I told her, "but let's go watch the Vautour's end and then go home so we can talk."

We followed everyone out to the Circle, where the beheadings took place. The Alarie was already there, his robes off but still in his suit. His sword was being held by his aide who wasn't much taller than the massive sword. Faina and I made our way to the front of the Circle, not one person saying a word as I barreled past the people already gathered, my arms protecting Faina from being jostled.

When we reached the front, I saw ten of the Twelve arranged around the Circle as official witnesses. Nodding to the recorder, the Alarie began removing his suit jacket and then he rolled back his shirtsleeves as the Vautour was brought out. Instead of accepting his well-deserved fate stoically, he was a mess of emotions, crying, protesting loudly as to the unfairness of his sentence as he struggled between two guards. He was a sorry excuse for a vampire, and the crowd was grumbling at the undignified way he was comporting himself.

Where's his pride?

So unbecoming for a vampire.

This is embarrassing.

I'm ashamed for him, acting like this.

What happened to his dignity?

His behavior is cringe-worthy.

The Vautour had to be forced to kneel in the center of the Circle, and his hands were tied behind his back. All while he was sobbing. This was the fate he had ordered for me, consigning my children to their death. I had not one drop of pity for the man, and, glancing down at Faina's face, noting the very slight upward turn of her lips, she felt the same.

Although rare in our community, I'd seen the Alarie take heads before and he was straightforward, no showmanship, no prolonging the execution.

"For crimes against the Bellamy family, according to our ancient laws, today the Vautour loses his head."

That was it. The Alarie held out his hand for his sword, and his aide presented it to him with a slight bow.

Taking the sword in his hands, he asked the Vautour if he had any last words as he lifted the sword high. Raising his head up, the Vautour opened his mouth, but before he could say a word, the Alarie said, "No one cares," and swung the sword in a sweeping arc.

It spoke to the Alarie's strength that he could behead the vampire with one swing. The head, now removed from the Vautour's neck, flew off and hit the ground, rolling until it came to land at our feet, a gruesome mess.

Faina looked down at the contorted face and spoke quietly to the lifeless head. "I didn't have the pleasure of witnessing your daughter's death, but yours was quite a consolation prize, you bastard."

With the tip of her toe, she nudged the head so it rolled back toward the Vautour's body, and then she looked up at me.

"I'm ready to go."

I looked over to her mother and Aullana. Cordula's concerned eyes were on Faina, but Aullana was focused on where the Alarie was speaking to his aide.

"I'm taking her to our house, Cordula. We'll see you in a few days."

Cordula inclined her head, and I walked Faina away from the bloody spectacle, my arm tight around her waist where I could feel our children kicking. My children who had this day been threatened and then saved. I would have to see who the new Vautour would be and make sure that he was willing to let this enmity between his family and the Bellamy family die with the previous Vautour's death. If he wasn't, if he seemed inclined to continue the vendetta, I wouldn't hesitate to destroy the entire line to ensure my wife's and my children's safety. I'd do it without hesitation, and I had no doubt the Bellamy would support me in my efforts. The man protected his family with a rabid determination that I admired. I would do no less for my wife and children.

Keeping Faina tucked into my side, we made our way to my limo, not stopping to speak to anyone. Many tried to waylay us to offer their congratulations on the defeat of the Vautour, but I refused to be sidetracked. No matter how much Faina insisted otherwise, today had been trying and emotional for her, and I wanted her back safely at home where I could make her rest and relax.

It was finally over.

Once we were seated in the limo and heading back to our home, I let go of her hand and reached into my pocket.

"I made a great many mistakes, my love, things that shattered your trust in me and you were right to proceed as you did. But my love for you never once wavered. Our bond is still strong, still intact and will never be dissolved."

I held up our blood bond ring to her. "You know this red diamond is extremely rare, Faina. As rare as our love, as rare as our bond. I've had it with me ever since the day you told Councilman Rayne to return it to me because you were giving up any claim to it. Your message that day was delivered and received, but I want it back on your finger, Faina, even knowing I have a great deal of work to do to earn back your trust."

Faina held her hand out to me. 

"I want to wear it again, Alaric." She smiled up at me. "And I know you'll do whatever is needed to earn back my trust."

I slid the ring onto her finger and admired it for a moment on her slender hand. 

"And you'll marry me again by the end of the day tomorrow."

She gave me the side eye. "Are you asking me or telling me?"

I smiled at her. "I'll leave that for you to decide, but either way, we'll be married again tomorrow before the sun sets."

"Such a rush, Mr. Archambeau."

"You're mine, Faina. You've always been mine. Tomorrow just makes it legal again."

"What if I want a big, huge wedding?" Faina looked at me innocently.

"I'd say of course. Whatever you want." 

Then I leaned closer to her. "As long as you can get it pulled together by tomorrow."

Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

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