Chapter 23 (Faina): Two Tiny Lives

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

Alaric spent the next few months watching me like it was his sacred duty. He was in full protection mode, more so than usual, making up for the time he wasn't allowed to be near me except to feed.

He held my hand when they took my blood in the mornings and after our evening feed and release. He took over the communication with my medical team and conveyed the information to me himself. He handled absolutely everything so, aside from the blood draws, I could just sit back and enjoy my pregnancy and not think about being a medical phenomenon.

"You're missing too much work," I scolded Alaric.

"Nothing of importance," he returned. "And I'll hear no more about what I'm missing since I've already been absent for so much of this pregnancy. I'm not going to miss one minute more because of work. I have an excellent team in place, and if something needs my attention, they'll call me. Otherwise, I'm right here beside you, my heart."

When a vampire like Alaric was determined to have his way, there was no gainsaying him. So I quit arguing and just enjoyed his company while he watched me closely.

After our wedding and mini honeymoon, we were frequent visitors at my parents' home, my mother and I making sure there was no lingering brokenness between my father and Alaric. The first night we went over after we were married, Alaric and my father excused themselves to my father's study immediately after dessert.

Throwing a concerned look at my mother, she smiled. "Our vampires have to figure things out in their own way, darling. They'll be fine after they talk."

She was right. When they emerged from my father's study a long time later, I knew right away that they'd healed the breach and the harsh words that had flown between them were firmly behind them.

"We're fine," Alaric said in my ear when he walked over to me, his hand going automatically to the babies. "We said what needed to be said, and I reassured him of my devotion to you."

"He knew anyway," I told him. "He knew because he would never have brokered a marriage between us again. He would have let...things happen."

Pressing a kiss to my lips, Alaric looked at me, his eyes softened. "Nevertheless, your father needed to hear it from me. He's protective of his girls where male vampires are involved. Especially given what happened between us and then introducing Aullana's new suitor into the mix."

My father only recently had reason to be protective of Aullana in respect to male vampires since she was being actively courted.

"I find it hard to believe they're a match," I said to Alaric. We'd both been entertained since the first courting gift had been formally delivered.

We'd happened to be over at my parents', awaiting dinner together in the family room. We'd been talking about the babies and making plans for their arrival when we heard the doorbell, not thinking much about it. Had we been watching my father's face, we might have suspected something was afoot.

The housekeeper knocked twice on the door frame to announce herself, then folded her hands at her waist.

"My lord, my lady, there is an offering for Lady Aullana."

My mother and I looked at each other curiously. This was formal, which meant someone had serious intentions.

Two men wearing the toady green and brown colors of the Petit family, an ancient, respected family in our community and one of the Twelve, walked into the room. One was carrying a huge, cellophane-wrapped basket, and the other man was carrying a tasteful bouquet of blood-red roses.

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