Chapter 19 (Alaric): The Courtroom Exploded

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

Once again, I found myself adjusting my tie and smoothing my suit in front of the mirror in our house. And once again, my Faina wasn't here to make her last-minute adjustments. Gervais had given no indication of why there was a special session or why my presence was requested.


The Twelve didn't request.

I wondered if it had to do with Daylin's death at my hands. Perhaps the Vautour had more clout than Gervais anticipated and the noises Daylin's father was making were going to be problematic for me. I knew that Gervais would fight for me to remain alive until after the babies were born; there was no way he'd allow anything to happen to his grandchildren or threaten their existence. If my children needed me in order to remain healthy and thriving, Gervais would stand against the entire community if he had to, but somehow, I knew the community would protect Faina and our twins. They were not just our miracle; they were the community's.

I'd finally left her just an hour ago, still sleeping peacefully. I'd pressed a kiss to her brow and reluctantly left her, still feeling the need to watch over her and protect her from any harm.

Husband, she'd whispered to me. Husband. More than anything else she could have said, that one word told me so much. Just outside her door, Cordula hovered, looking at me with the same golden eyes Faina had inherited from her.

"Alaric," she said, taking my hand in hers. "Thank you."

Thank you for saving our daughter, but she just couldn't manage all those words with so much emotion at play.

"She's my life, Cordula."

"I know," she said softly. "We'll see you in a couple of hours. At court."

"Not if she's not feeling up to it," I warned. "She may need to rest. Nothing is more important than making sure she and the babies aren't in danger from what she went through."

She nodded and walked past me, and I left to go to our quiet, lifeless home to prepare for I had no idea what.


We rose when the Alarie entered the courtroom once the other eleven of the Twelve were in place. I knew that Faina, Cordula, Aullana and two of Faina's doctors sat in the first row behind my lawyer and me, and the rest of the gallery was completely full. A special session was rare, and once word had spread that one had been called, vampires had come to witness whatever was to happen. Those who couldn't get seats in the courtroom were waiting outside in the hallways, spilling outside to the front of the building so it wouldn't take long for word to spread once whatever business was being decided had been determined.

I glanced quickly behind me to assure myself that Faina looked steady and strong. She gave me a faint smile and knew she was concerned. Smiling to reassure her, I then turned back to the Alarie.

"We come here today in this special session to discuss the Vautour's assertions that because Alaric Archambeau beheaded Daylin Vautour last night that Mr. Archambeau's life become immediate forfeit. According to our ancient laws, the Vautour has the right to demand this, regardless of the circumstances of his daughter's death, because she was beheaded without official sanction."

Murmuring in the courtroom. The matter of Daylin's death and how it had occurred were not widely known, thanks to Gervais having kept a tight seal around the news so far. Now, I was sure it was spreading rapidly to those outside the courtroom and even beyond.

"We shall determine the facts of the case before rendering a decision. Mr. Archambeau, do you swear on your blood to tell the truth?"

"I swear on my blood to tell the truth," I said.

The Vampires #1: Alaric and FainaWhere stories live. Discover now