Chapter 22 (Alaric): Never Again

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

Traditions could be both a blessing and a curse.

Vampires thrived on them, clinging to the rites and rituals that defined our people. We lived in the modern world but so much of who we were was steeped in the past. The past oftentimes kept us in a chokehold of outdated ideals yet also provided the comfort of familiarity. Tonight, as I watched my Faina smiling, her hand going to her belly constantly to say hello to our babies, I felt the weight of all the traditions associated with our wedding. While I enjoyed them, they were also making it that much longer until I could get my wife in bed.

I kept her next to my side the entire night, pulled tight against me, warning all male vampires that she was mine and no one should attempt to get between us. My hand was on her at all times, or my arm was curled around her waist. Protectively, possessively.

By nature, we vampires were overly possessive of our brides, but never more so than on our wedding night. There were too many vampires around to relax, the Hunger restless at the thought that someone could try to steal our bride. It had begun so long ago as the protection of its food source, this taking of a bride, but it had evolved into so much more over thousands of years. Into love. A sentiment the human side understood but the Hunger couldn't comprehend; it understood only that she was ours. And if a blood bonding had taken place, it understood protect ours at all costs.

At the dinner following the ceremony, I fed Faina every bite that went into her mouth, according to our tradition. It was both rite and seduction, a promise of the wedding night ahead of us.

He feeds his bride this night, and she will feed him the rest of their nights, our people had said for thousands of years and still did to this day.

Later in the evening, after the formal dinner, four waiters held the handles of a velvet draped board, displaying our massive and intricately decorated cake. Faina and I went from table to table, serving each of our guests a piece of the dessert. It was the vampire way of showing we would be an active part of our community that we gladly served.

Once all of our guests had been given cake, Faina and I took our seats once again at the bridal table and Gervais and Cordula served us our cake — showing their approval of the marriage.

"Are you OK, my heart?" I asked her. "We don't need to dance if you're not feeling up to it."

With a smile, Faina assured me that she was fine.

"I wouldn't miss dancing with you, Alaric. I love being in your arms, taking a turn on the floor."

When we had finished our cake, Faina and I stood, and I led my bride to the dance floor. The musicians immediately began playing a waltz for our first dance, and I carefully guided her around the floor, not wanting to tire her out.

"A very different dance than what I'm used to from you, Alaric," she teased me. "I'm not so delicate as you think."

My serious eyes met her laughing ones. "I know exactly how strong you are, Faina. I have no doubt about your strength, but you're carrying my twins, and I'll always keep that in mind."

"I noticed that last night." She raised an eyebrow at me in challenge. "Perhaps tonight you won't be so restrained."

"Faina, until you safely deliver our babies, you're getting restrained."

She actually pouted a moment until I tipped her chin up and pressed my lips to hers.

"And I won't be swayed by your sad looks so you can just get over it and look forward to getting restrained in a different way once you give birth."

The Vampires #1: Alaric and FainaWhere stories live. Discover now