Chapter 14 (Faina): One Decision

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When we came back from our break, my mind was reeling, and remaining composed was more difficult than I imagined it would be. Alaric's lawyer got right back to it the minute the recorder called court back in session. I was beginning to feel as if this day would never end. On the plus side, at the speed this was going, we would be finished by the end of the day and possibly have a judgment tomorrow.

"Mr. Archambeau, did you have any idea Ms. Vautour was back in the country?"

"No. I had ten people keeping me apprised of her whereabouts at all times."

"So how did she slip past them?"

"When I questioned them before I fired all of them, their answers were all the same: she traded markers in her family's name, which, apparently, they all felt were worth more than what I was paying them. I ensured they came to regret their decisions."

"Tell us about the third time."

"I hired my own team to stay around me at all times. The night of the third time, I was at dinner with some business associates who were making a proposal to me. At the end of the evening, I got up to use the restroom, and my team assured me all was clear. But they'd been looking for a blonde woman. Ms. Vautour was disguised as a brunette male, wearing the uniform of the restaurant's waitstaff. She slipped into the bathroom just after me and had a cut on her hand that she waved right in my face."

"No one recognized her?"

Alaric shook his head. "No. I didn't even recognize her until she pushed her hand in my face."

"Her disguise was that good?"

"It was."

"And the fourth time, Mr. Archambeau?"

"By the fourth time, I had finally gotten Ms. Vautour fired from her position with the company. My new CFO and I had worked late and my two guards walked me to my car. There was a homeless woman beside my car, and only too late I realized who it was. When I turned around for my guards, they were gone. Two more victims of the promise of Vautour markers. Money does not compare to the promise of being owed by one of the Twelve families, I have discovered."

Alaric's lawyer nodded. "I have no further questions, Lord Alarie."

The recorder looked at Daylin's lawyer, who shook his head no. My lawyer, however, stood up.

"Mr. Archambeau, why didn't you tell you wife what was happening? Why deceive her? Lie to her?"

"For a number of reasons, all of which were born out of fear at the thought of losing my wife, which led to me making the very worst decisions I could. At first, it was because I knew Faina would move to immediately dissolve the bond and then divorce me so I wouldn't suffer. Another reason was because I kept holding out hope that I could fight the Hunger until my medical and research teams could find a solution to the sour blood, even if it was temporary. And, finally, because I was ashamed I couldn't control the Hunger. Four times I let it be stronger than I was. Four times Ms. Vautour got the better of me. After the last time, I sat in my car for a long time and came home late. Faina knew, and I knew she knew, that in my weakness, I had destroyed us."

"Mr. Archambeau, do you have feelings for Daylin Vautour?"

"Other than loathing and hatred and disgust, no."

"And do you love your wife?"

"I do. More than I love anyone or anything. More than I love life."

The Vampires #1: Alaric and FainaWhere stories live. Discover now