The vanishing glass

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The scenery swirled around like time was passing by a bright white light, and it swirled around the screen until it changed to a sleeping ten-year-old Harry and hazel.

All the parents cooed at the sibling thinking they both looked adorable.

It showed a small cramped little room, where they could be seen sleeping, huddled together tightly. "Up! Get Up! Now!" A tall woman could be seen screeching while knocking furiously on the door to the cupboard, then unlocking it from the outside. Harry began to shake hazel in a way of letting her know it was time to get up. Hazel looked up at Harry and smiled brightly at him. She was a beautiful little girl nobody could argue that, she looked so similar to her father. Harry beamed back, his sister was the only thing that made him happy she was his life.

The whole hall was stunned to silence, no one talked or even joked – not that it was a joking matter.
They... They made you... Lily was too shocked to even finish saying something, she was disgusted. How could her sister behave like this? James was about to blow it; his face grew red from anger. They made you sleep in a cupboard! Lily had never seen him that angry before, and before he went completely made, she laid a comforting hand on his arm, reminding him that she was theirs. "What are you wearing Harry said his grandmother. "Dudleys old clothes, that's what we would be given. Sometimes hazel would get things petunia was throwing away but that was rare" said Harry looking at his shoes embarrassed by all of this being shown to everyone. Draco was staring at the scene in shock he always thought they would of stilled been spoiled for being who they were. Even more guilt creeping up his chest for everything he's done.

There were many pureblood families that were also shocked and disgusted over how someone could behave like that.

While they had been talking, we could see a very large boy coming running down the stairs, Harry had always thought him to have resembled a mini whale. As he ran up the stairs again and jumped up and down. It was quite irritating, Wake up, cousin! We're going to the Zoo."

Everyone was glaring harshly at the screen at the fat little boy. Watching at dust dropped on the twins.

Oh, here comes the birthday boy!" Aunt Petunia said, at once Dudley came into the kitchen she only looked briefly at the girl. A girl who wore clothes three times the size of her. Hazel rubbed her hair as she was uttered to do breakfast, "why don't you just cook breakfast, and try not to burn the bacon." Petunia said with a scowl, irritated like always that they had to take care of her. Hazel turned to look as she missed what her aunt said due to her being side on. Harry signed out what she said, but signed it out in a nice way making it seem like her aunt asked nicely causing hazel to beam brightly thinking her aunt was kind. Once her back was turned and she began cooking Harry got to helping making sure she wouldn't hurt or burn herself.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," Harry said replying for hazel, trying not to show how he wasnt rolling his eyes.

"I've told you boy not to do that freaky hand stuff in this house" uncle vernon raged at Harry

"Uncle vernon she won't understand what to do if I don't, you know she's deaf" Harry said timidly afraid his sister would get the backlash for him speaking out and defending her, not that she was any the wiser not hearing what was going on.

"Freaky deaf child, tell her to grow up and use the board or she'll be out" vernon growled sounding like a Walrus.

Lily and James stared at the screen, tears streaming down their faces. Their baby girl was deaf and they weren't there to help her. She lived with a family that didn't care and shamed her for it. The rest of the hall even the pure bloods were enraged at how she was being treated. Lily looked at Harry, she could see how angry he was watching this back. James was the one to speak out "she's deaf? My baby girl has she always been" he asked timidly not wanting to upset Harry incase this was a sore subject.
Harry looked at his parents and sighed "no she could hear until she was about 5, the scar on my head and  her temple will be explained later but basically because she didn't get treatment for it happening and it hitting the soft part of her head it caused damage in her brain that slowly made her hearing disappear, they didn't get her to a doctor until it was too late and she lost her hearing" Harry looked at his parents sadly knowing the guilt and pain they felt, he felt it too. Hermione spoke out next "she can speak but because she can't hear how she sounds she only does it when she's comfortable with who she's around. It sounds more like a toddler speaking, letters wrong or sounds are slightly different and her voice is almost child like when she does. She's brilliant though don't underestimate her, she's at the top her studies and it's made her other senses including magical ones even stronger" Ron was next "yeah don't underestimate her she's brilliant, she's the nicest person you'll ever meet, loves everyone and everything, always smiling and laughing. Everyone loves her in every house" James and Lilly felt so much warmth and relief when they heard this, they already loved her and Harry so much. They could tell how much Harry loved and protected his sister. It was bellatrix that surprised everyone but screaming she was going to beat the fat walrus with his own spine for saying such things about little hazel.

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