Hazel and matteo

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The screen went to a little hazel and Matteo sitting by the black lake, smiling wildly at each other giggling away. Signing back and forth to each other.

"Can't believe you got seeker, I was speaking to my dad about it and he was so happy. Went on about how he knew you and Harry would be great at quidditch" Matteo signed with a big smile.

"I just hope my dads watching from heaven and he's proud, hopefully he's with me during our first match, would be nice to think they are all cheering in the stands" hazel gushed.

I know we would be hazel, we would be there for every single step in your life darling" james said. Lily stared at him realising in that moment she didn't have a crush on the boy, but she was in love with him and this side of him.

"They will be haze, they will be cheering right next to me. Hope you know I'm going to be embarrassing you by screaming the loudest" Matteo signed while shoving her shoving her shoulder making her laugh.

"I would hope so you're my best friend teo. Wh-what if I don't hear what's happening in the game, I will embarrass myself" "you will so great haze I know you will it doesn't matter if you can't hear, I think you're pretty amazing regardless. You're going to be the best seeker Gryffindor has ever seen!". Matteo pulled her into a hug.

The great hall just gushed at the pair. Even James was seen trying not to crack a smile. "I SHIP IT" Marlene shouted. "NO MARLENE SHES A BABY NO BOYS" siruis shouted back. "Humph not a baby dafoo" hazel pouted crossing her arms. "Yes you are bambi" james said mimicking her crossing his arms pouting. "James don't pout at your daughter" dorea scolded. Everyone watched the scene laughing.

"You um- you look very pretty today haze" Matteo said with a blush as he handing her a flower placing it in her hair then looking anywhere but her. Hazel just giggled and jumped up and him hugging tightly blushing at she spoke "tank you, teo pretty too". Matteo looked at her and beamed brightly, thinking the way she spoke was the cutest sweetest sound he's ever heard. He pulled her into a hug and she smelt of cherry's and vanilla. He looked back at her and realised he had it bad. He thought she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen and right there and then he knew he had it bad.

"Come on before mum loses her hair for us being late to class" he took hazels hand and pulled her up to the castle hearing her sweet giggles. Unbeknownst to them a certain head master and transfiguration teacher was watching smiling.

"He's like James isn't he, he's going to be obsessed like James was with Lily" professor McGonagal laughed watching her son with a loving smile.

"Yes he will be but I have a feeling it won't take them as long to figure it out. I'm thinking 3rd year they will realise and expect it" Albus said with a smile.

"I think 5th I don't think he will admit and hazel would be too shy to say" McGonagal said back.

"10 galleons?" Albus said with a twinkle in his eyes. "You on" McGonagal said back.

"I don't know why you bet with me you always lose" Albus walked away with a laugh.

Hazel gasped. "Bet on me, so mean dubbles " she laughed. "We bet on everyone Ms Potter" McGonagal laughed. James was muttering under his breath saying she better not have a boyfriend until she's 30.

A/n- just a little filler so you can see there relationship develop, doing these throughout so that the main story can continue without lots of inbetween bits. Right now it's hard to make their relationship go anywhere because they are so young but some fluff like this you'll see how they are starting to feel, the older they get the more things like this will happen. Please remember and comment and let me know any suggestions you want for this book, or any ideas on plot twists you think can happen. Matteos real parents haven't been announced in the book yet but you can atleast imagine who his dad is, who are you thinking for his mother and what's the story on how that happened? I want this to be slightly different. I want him to be the exact opposite of his dad, showing his failure in creating a weapon, a mini him. But instead a brave kind hearted boy who has the opposite beliefs. However of course he will have a mean streak when it comes to protecting his hazel. That's where his similarities will be with his birth fathers. He will be cruel and deadly when involving protecting his love.

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