Letter from no one

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After having spent days inside their cupboard with nothing to entertain each other than the spiders, and talking to each other – a brown owl was flying above the house in the daytime carrying a small letter before dropping it and resting atop of a chimney seemingly waiting for something.

"You spent that many days in a cupboard?" Asked moody. "Yeah but that's not a lot sometimes it would be weeks for hazel if she signs by habit. She's not allowed to even leave the house because they were embarrassed by how she spoke and her signing" said Harry glaring at the screen knowing how hard his sister got it for her being deaf. Nobody said anything, afraid that if one started there would be some dead muggles sooner than they thought.

Harry went and collecting the post that uncle vernon told him to get while hazel was making them some tea. Harry looked through the post seeing one addressed to hazel and then one addressed to him.

Mr H. J Potter, The Cupboard underneath the stairs, 4 Privet Drive, Little Whining, Surrey.'

Ms. H. L Potter, The Cupboard underneath the stairs, 4 Privet Drive, Little Whining, Surrey.' Was seen written on it in dark green ink.

"YOU KNEW THEY LIVED IN A CUPBOARD AND DIDNT DO ANYTHING" screamed James. "Mr potter they are self writing quills, but we will be checking over every letter from now on" professor McGonagal addressed. "Thank you Minnie" said siruis. "Mr black I told you four to stop calling me that!!"

Oh, Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk." Vernon mumbled as he read through the mail.
"Dad Harry and hazel have got letters" Dudley shouted while grabbing the letter. Hazel looked at Harry confused to what was happening as he quickly signed they had letters.
"Give those back they are out" Harry snapped at Dudley. "Writing you, who would want to.. vernon trailed off seeing the wax seal hand shaking showing it to petunia.
Vernon grabs the letters ripping them up pushing the twins in their cupboard.
Next day vernon is seen drilling the letter box closed while Harry and hazel watch from their cupboard. "No letters coming through here today anymore"
Then Marge is seen cracking eggs in a bowl, every egg she cracked a letter would be inside the eggs. She looked out the window and say hundreds of owls and screamed loudly trying to get them away.

"I love how dedicated they were being to getting you letters but do they do they for everyone who doesn't answer the letters?" Ron asked while laughing. "No Mr Weasley they don't" said professor dumbledore eyes twinkling at the screen.

"Lovely days Sunday tell me my boy do you know why" vernon asked Dudley who just shrugged. "Because their no post on Sunday" "ah right you are Harry, no post on Sunday, not a single blasted letter" vernon says suddenly the house starts slightly shaking as letters coming flying into the room from the fireplace, the windows and the letter box's. Petunia and Dudley start screaming as hazel starts laughing at what was happening. Harry jumps on a table trying to grab a letter while hazel laughs and picks one up from the floor"

"Oh James he has your brains at least hazel seems to have lilys" remus said while rubbing his face. "Hey" "oi" both Harry and James shout while everyone else is laughing. "Harry why did you grab one in the air" Mrs Weasley asks "I was only young" Harry laughs red from embarrassment.

Harry and hazel ran to the hall trying to
Open the letters as uncle vernon grabs them both by the waist.

"Oi let go of them" "put them down" "leave them alone" was shouted across the great hall everyone getting madder and madder watching him man handle children

"Don't touch her let her go Harry screamed watching his sister being flung around" leave arry alone" hazel shouted back "That's it we're going away, far away" vernon screamed out in a sea of letter
"Daddy's gone mad hasn't he" Dudley asked a shaking petunia

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