The Reaping

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Prims POV:
When I woke up I looked to my bed Katniss wasn't there. I suspected that she had gone out hunting with her best friend Gale like she often did in the morning my suspicion was confirmed when I looked under the bowl I had stored some cheese under. I then walked over to were Lady my goat was she bleated happily as I gave her some grass i then got to work milking her into a large bucket. By this time my mother had awoken she looked an awful lot like me with our merchant blonde hair and blue eyes Katniss however had black hair and Olive skin like our father although he died when I was seven in a mining accident, From then on my mother had clocked out leaving me and Katniss to look after each other or more Katniss look after me. She comforted me when I had nightmares, walked me to and from school, got me ready in the mornings, even making sure I was properly fed she had tried teaching me how to hunt one time but that ended horribly when we were presented with a wounded deer. Katniss told me to kill it but all I wanted to do was save it and bring it back to health from then on she never took me hunting again.


Once fed and washed mum handed me some folded up clothes it was Katniss's first reaping outfit when she was my age. Due to being underfed for most of my life the clothes were two sizes to big for me. It gave me a duck tail at the back "let's fix that" mum told me getting some safety pins. After pinning my top into my skirt she sat me at the kitchen table to do my hair she started by brushing it out so it was nice and untangled she then sectioned it and started braiding the left side of my hair. Eventually I had two neat braids that fell down my back tidily. At this point in time Katniss had returned from hunting she also had a bath and then got changed into one of my mothers old dresses from when she lived in the merchant section. My mum must have really loved dad if she was willing to move from the richest part of district 12 (which was poorer than all the other districts in panem) to the seam which is the poorest part and the part we live in now "you look beautiful" Katniss told me "tuck your tail in little duck" she reminded me I giggled and gave her a "quack" in response "quack yourself" she said with a chuckle of her own before kissing the top of my head and hugging me. A bell sounded out ruining our peaceful time together the three of us walked hand in hand to the town square. Mum got separated from us leaving me and Katniss alone I gripped her hand tightly she gave it a reassuring squeeze before making our way to a table we both got placed into different lines for our respective age groups I stood with the other 12 year old children one by one we moves closer to the table sitting there were peacekeepers they inserted a needle into my finger which I then dabbed on a piece of paper they then asked my name "Primrose Everdeen" I mumbled. I was then directed into a roped off area me and some of the other 12 year olds exchange turse nods before directing our attention to Effie Trinket " happy hunger games" she cheered to the silent crowd of stoney expressions. The Capitol always loved the hunger games probably because they didn't have to watch their kids fight to the death in the arena whereas we have to deal with that every year. I think it's highly unfair but I can't say anything because any word against the capitol can get you whipped or imprisoned or even worse. One thing that makes the it even more tragic is that everyone is forced to watch it live it's horrible! "As always ladies first" Effie squeaks excitedly I try not to get to worried Katniss had done everything in her power to make the odds in my favour by not letting me take tesserae we all stand in anticipation it's so quiet you could here a pin drop "the female tribute is" my heart started racing in my chest

"Primrose Everdeen"

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