Summer Days

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The hot sun burned across the afternoon sky summer was at its highest peak meaning days spent playing outside. Gale had suggested going for a picnic in the woods by a lake that him and Katniss had found together on a summer day much like this one. It had taken some persuading to get Prim to go but eventually they were out the door Prim, Gale , Vick, Rory , Posy and Hazelle . Heading to the fence usually they would be more careful but given the fact most peacekeepers were in the cool shade of their houses "right I'll go first then you Rory after Rory Comes Vick then Prim and then mom and Posy" Gale instructed Prim waited nervously as the boys carefully slipped under the fence "Come on Prim" Gale told her gently "just lie on your back halfway and then I'll pull you the rest" he told her doing as he instructed Prim held the skirt of her dress to ensure that it didn't slide up she then secured herself in the small gap as Gale placed his hands on either side of her waist. Prim let out a small squeak as Gale started pulling her under the fence "and open your eyes" Gale told she opened one eye and saw the smiling face of Gale over her he then helped her up and resumed his job helping Posy and then his mother under the fence. They then all walked together chatting happily as they made their way to the lake it was big and blue and had cliffs all around it perfect for those who enjoyed diving "right Rory and Vick follow me and Prim you change by here" Gale told them all sending his brothers behind a cluster of bushes. Once Prim was sure the boys were gone she quickly discarded her dress and shoes placing them inside the picnic basket that Hazelle had brought the boys emerged also in only their underwear upon seeing this Prim blushed a violent red colour she had seen boys with there shirts off before in the summer but never this... close "come on Prim" Gale said smiling at her holding out his hand he lead her over the sharp rocks into the cool water she had never felt anything like this "you like this?" He asked her his hands firmly on her waist "yes!" She told him happily "do want me to let you go?" He asked her she paused for a moment before nodding "yes you can let me go" she told him Gale releases her slowly eventually she's fully swimming on her own she feels lighter than air it's pure bliss. After two hours of swimming the sun begins to set over the lake that is when the kids decide to finally go out of the water "I've got towels!" Hazelle announced to the group handing them to Gale once he wrapped himself up he then walked over to Prim and carefully wrapped Prim up in the big fluffy towel she let out a sigh of contentment finally feeling happy. There was one thing however she kept bottled up she liked Gale Hawthorne

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