Recaps and crying

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Prims POV:
My mum shook me awake about 3 hours later informing me that Gale, his mum and younger siblings would be arriving shortly and asked me to set the table. Two soft raps on the door told me they were here "OH PRIMROSE ARE YOU OKAY?!" Mrs Hawthorne practically yelled squeezing me tightly in her arms causing my face to go red "ma let her go" Gale mumbled under his breath after about ten awkward minutes she released me and walked to my mum who was in the kitchen "what you got there?" I asked gesturing to a large package in his hand "oh it's a steak pie, mum traded some of her new sewn clothes at the hob for it" Mrs Hawthorne or Hazelle as she insisted worked as a seamstress and often made me and Katniss clothes for both winter and summer. Carefully I take the package and place it in the middle of the table. All of a sudden I felt a small tug on my sleeve I looked down and saw the youngest member of the Hawthorne family Posy. She was a sweet girl who often wore her hair in high pigtails "can we play" she asked looking up at me with her big chocolate eyes "of course Posy" I told her scooping her in to my arms before walking out the door. I walked to a secluded oak tree on a hill I sat Posy down and watched as she ran around the grassy area. When she finally lost enough energy she came back and sat in my lap just in time for Gale to Collect us. We walked back to the house in a comfortable silence. "Ahh there you are" mum said beckoning for us to come in Vick, Rory and Hazelle all sat on our old moth eaten sofa I sat on floor next to Rory and Gale with Posy on my lap eventually the tv started. Inevitably the first thing that came on was the national anthem of Panem after that they started showing footage of the reapings from all the districts. Ours of course was last and for everyone else to enjoy the capitol had kept in all the footage from us. I was mortified this would mean not only my friends saw this but so did everyone in our country! "Well I think we should eat now" mum suggested breaking the awkward silence. Dinner didn't have much to it only the occasional 'pass the peas' or 'can I have some water?' luckily Rory started some conversation "so now Katniss is gone and probably not coming back is Prim our new replacement Katniss?" he asked finishing off a gulp of water "Rory Matthew!" Hazelle gasped in horror not wanting to stick around for anymore I ran out of the house and to the oak tree which now has a certain coldness to it. I slumped down on the floor before I knew it hot angry tears poured down my face

B A C K  A T  T H E  H O U S E

Gales POV:
"How dare you say something like that" mum scolded Rory "what were you thinking!" I chimed in "I just wanted to know" he said shrinking back into his chair. Unable to listen to anything else I got up and marched outside "Gale were are you going" mum yelled at me "to find Prim" I replied. After and hour of searching I had nearly given up hope until I heard gentle sniffles coming from behind a big oak tree I crept around it and found Prim sitting there tears falling on her face I sat down next to her and without hesitation she nestled her head into my chest as she continued to cry.

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