I volunteer!

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Prims POV:

No, no, no why did have to be me I was one one out of a thousand slips and yet I get chosen? "Well come on up now" Effie encourages me the 12 year olds split making a pathway for me to walk through. I walk out of the roped area four peacekeepers form a square around me two in front and two at the back halfway there a strangled cry calls out "Prim!" It's Katniss some more peacekeepers block her from coming through "I volunteer!"she chokes "I volunteer!" She says breaking from the peacekeepers "I volunteer as tribute!" She finally calls out running towards me she crouches down "Prim you got get out of here" she tells me fighting to keep a steady voice "no" I tell her "Prim go find mom right now" she tells me close to tears whereas I'm already in tears "no" I plead struggling to get out of the peacekeepers grips. All of a sudden someone lifts me off the ground it's Gale Katniss's best friend I thrash in his arms trying to break free "NO" "NO" I scream as he carries me away tears bucketing out my eyes. He finally places me down next to my mother and hugs me gently while trying to keep his emotions steady as well at least I imagine that "shh it's okay" he whispers in my ear by this point I've completely soaked his shirt with my tears "it's okay, I'm here" he tells me eventually when I calm down enough to the point where I'm sniffling he goes back to the group of eighteen year old boys "well I bet my hat that was your sister wasn't it?" Effie prys "yes" Katniss says her voice hoarse "well then let's have a big hand for our first volunteer" Effie claps she's the only one "let's move on to the boys yes?" She suggests dipping her hand into the back big glass bowl with boy names 42 of which have 'Gale Hawthorne' scribbled on them and 1 with 'Rory Hawthorne' "the boy tribute is Peeta Mellark" i've only ever seen Peeta around School he was in Katniss's year he was a short, stocky boy with ash blonde hair that fell in waves "let's have a hand for our tributes" Effie says once again she's the only one clapping. I watch as my sister gets marched into the Justice building with Peeta Mellark the door's slamming shut behind them.

T I M E  S K I P

Once me and mum are finally let in a run to Katniss fresh tears on both our faces "I just want you to win, maybe you can" I tell her voice raw with emotion "of course" she whispers "yeah maybe I can, I am smart you know" she tells me cupping my face "you can hunt" i tell her "exactly" she reassures me  I slip her the pin that I've had on my collar "to protect you" I say she accepts it great fully "thank you" she says before getting up and talking to my mother I can't really hear what they are saying but I guess it's about me. Once she's finished talking to mum the peacekeepers yank us away from Katniss we all are yelling I love yous back at one another until the door slams shut waiting outside is Gale he is also marched in and then two minutes later he is out again "let's go home" he tells us lifting me up I rest my head on his shoulder my face is once again red and puffy. Gale walks me and mum back to our house as mum goes in he carefully places me on my feet and the kneels down to my height "I'll come back and see you tonight, yeah?" He asks "yeah" I reply voice cracking "hey, hey it's okay" he tells me wiping away my stray tear that has managed to fall "now give me one of those killer Primrose Everdeen smiles" he asks shaking me gently I give him a small smile in appreciation "yeah atta girl" he says giving me a fist bump before walking away. I finally enter our house and crash on the sofa cuddling Buttercup.

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