Missing him

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Sam and Colby had gone on a trip for the San and Colby channel me,devyn,Tara,and kat were hanging out and  we where gonna have a girls night at mine and Colby's apartment. A few hours later kat said "hey we should go get out nails done." We all agreed

" We all agreed Mine

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We got back to the apartment and Devyn said "we should watch conjuring

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We got back to the apartment and Devyn said "we should watch conjuring." Everyone agreed and I turned on the movie kat went to go make popcorn while I decided to post a few tiktoks with Devyn and Tara. After the popcorn got done and during the movie I got a text from Colby

After about 4 movies Colby called Colby=c me=mC-hey have y'all finished the movie yet?M-yeah we watched like 5 movies

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After about 4 movies Colby called
Colby=c me=m
C-hey have y'all finished the movie yet?
M-yeah we watched like 5 movies.
C-how are you not alseep yet?
M-it's like 10 I'll go to bed later.
C-I miss you baby
M-I miss you to colbs.
C- I gotta go I love you
M- I love you to
End call
I said "I'll be back I have to go to the bathroom" they nodded and I went to the bathroom and stArted crying but I let out a sob but it wasn't loud so I thought the girls didn't here until Tara came to the door saying "hey you ok in there y/n." Y-yeah I'm o-ok." She said "no your not open the door." I opened the door and collapsed into her hands crying. She said "what's wrong?" I said "I miss Colby." She said "hunny it's gonna be on he'll be back Wednesday (it's Monday)." I nodded and smiled and said "I'm gonna go to bed. Tara nodded and said "goodnight y/n." I replied with "goodnight."

Tara's pov
I went back to the living room and called Colby
T=tara c=Colby m=me
C-hey Tara what's up
T-it's y/n
C-why what's wrong is she ok??
T-she said she's fine but she doesn't seem fine she said she was but she was crying.
C-why was she crying?
T-she said she missed you
C-give her the phone
I handed y/n the phone
M- hello
C-baby why didn't you tell me?
M-I'm sorry I didn't wanna ruin your trip.
C-baby it's ok we have enough footage so I'll be home tomorrow
M-ok, I love you
C-I love you to baby
End call
Next day
Your pov
I woke up to warm hands on my waist I got scared then saw it was Colby I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and said " I missed you." He said "I missed you to baby." And for the rest of the day we cuddled.

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