Langham hotel

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Your and Colby are dating and have been for 2 years and you are sams younger sister.

Your pov
We made it to our room, room 333 we went In there and the boys where explaining what was happening when Corey said " how are we all 5 gonna fit on the bed?" Jake said "you just gotta make it work brother." While he arched his back, we all laughed then Colby opened an umbrella and we all said "what the hell we aren't sleeping in here now that's bad luck." We went an explored the other room and the hotel itself. We went back to the room and started talking more  about the hotel. We said that we would explore more at 3 because that was the witches hour. Me,Colby,and Sam shared the bed it was a little crowded but I was cuddled up to Colby the entire time. The alarm rang for 3 and we got up. Sam then said "sis,dude it's three." Colby said "are we sure we wanna do this"
Then colby said "it's kinda weird we filmed our selfs sleeping." Sam said "yeah it's never new for anything." We went to call Corey when he didn't awnser Colby said "that little bitch didn't awnser." Then he  called jake and Sam said "he's not gonna awnser either" we went back to bed when Colby's phone rang and I woke up to my headache from earlier I shook him and said "colbs someone's calling"
He woke up and said "it's Corey. He checked the time and it was 3:33 he said "dude its 3:33" we went to Jake and Corey's hotel room and Colby said "Corey did you call me earlier" he said "no I just woke up and my phone was on the charger." Colby said "that is weird cause somehow your phone called me at 3:33 on the dot." They carried on talking then Jake woke up and turned On the bathroom light and I jumped and Sam said "oh it was jut you." Corey said "when we got in here the curtain was over the chair, but when we went to go get water and we came back it was back to normal." We went back to put room and Colby was up so I stayed up and Sam turned the camera on us and said "wanna explain to them why the hell you are up." Colby said "I think I found something" before he said that we heard something in the bathroom and we went there and saw the phone on the ground. We said "ok that's it we are leaving. We left and did the outro in the car.

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