Hospital trip

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Your pov
I woke up with my whole body hurting I couldn't move. Colby was in the loft with Sam while I was in our room. I went to move when a shooting pain sent in my stomach I screamed and heard footsteps I saw Colby walk in with Sam following. He ran towards me I had tears down my eyes and he saw. He said "baby what's wrong?" I just shook my head cause I didn't know what to say. He picked me up and said "we are going to the hospital. Sam went to his apartment to get kat. We arrived at the hospitial and I got put in a room. The doctor came in and said "you were pregnant" I said "was?" He said "you had a miscarriage. I sat there shocked not knowing what to say when Colby came up to me and said "it's ok baby, it's ok"
Next day
Colby stayed the whole night and I was discharged the next day. I got home and went straight to mine and Colby's room and locked the door.
Colby's pov
I saw y/n go to our room I tried to open the door but it was locked I just let her cool off. I heard a knock on the door and Sam was there. He said "hello brother." I said "Hey come in" he came in and said "how's y/n doing?" I replied with "better I hope." He said "do you know what happened. I was hesitant awnser but just said it "she was pregnant." He looked at me shocked and said "was?" I said "she had a miscarriage." When I said that she came out of our room. Before she could get to the fridge I ran to her and so did Sam and we hugged her she said "what's this for?" Sam said "I'm sorry."
Your pov
When Sam said that I knew Colby had told him so I said "it's ok." "Im ok."
And for the rest of the night me,kat,Sam, and Colby watched movies as I cuddled into my boyfriends side.

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