Period pt.4

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Your pov
I was at my boy best friends house,Colby
Brock. He was on his computer and I was on his bed scrolling through TikTok. I was having bad period cramps and he noticed and took of his headphones shut his computer then got in bed with me. He was singing me to sleep. A couple hours later I hear his raspy voice saying "hey princess I brought you some food. I look up to see him holding a bag from Taco Bell. He handed me my favorite food. After we are done eating I see him go to the shower and turned it on. I saw him come up b the room he said "I'm running you a shower." I smiled at him and went to the shower. I few moments later he comes in with tampons and pads also his hoodie and a pair of shorts I left over. I got out the shower and grabbed a tampon and changed I went back to his room and got into his arms snuggling close.

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