Scared of thunder

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Your pov
I was in mine and Colby's apartment. Colby wasn't there he was with Sam filming a video for sams channel I was on the couch when I heard thunder I jumped and hid under a blanket.
Colby's pov
I was with Sam filming a video when I heard thunder. I quickly shot from where I was sitting and I ran to my apartment not saying anything to Sam. When I opened the door y/n was under a blanket on the couch I went up to her saying "baby it's ok I'm here now" she came from under the blanket and sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck I took her our room placed her on the bed then got in myself she cuddled up to me chest and I said " I love you baby." She mumbled "I love you to colbs." And she fell alseep peacefully after a while.

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