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You are 20 and colby is 22 and yalll have been freinds since 8th grade
(Y'all are not dating in this) your sams sister and you introduced Sam and Colby.

Your pov
I was waking to my apartment when out of nowhere a man in a black mask popped out, he grabbed my arm I tried to scream but he said "if you scream I'll slit your neck" while holding a knife to my neck by this point I was crying he ended up taking off all my clothes and forced himself on me.
I'm not gonna go into details
It was a while after that and he left I got dressed and walked to my apartment. I locked the door. A while later I heard a knock and my eyes where bloodshot from all the crying. I yelled go away then I heard a familiar voice saying "y/n/n (your nickname) are you ok I have a key I'm gonna come in." I heard the door unlock and heard footsteps. I looked up and saw colby, he looked worried. He tried to step closer but I ran to my room and locked the door.
Colby's pov
When y/n did that I walked out and went to sam's apartment to see if he could help. He opened the door and he said "hey Colby what's with the worried face?" I said "something's wrong with y/n she won't talk to me so I came over to ask if you could help or maybe kat." He said "yeah I can try let me go get kat." He came back with kat and we walked to y/n's apartment I walked over to the door to hear muffled cries and I turned the doorknob and it was still locked apparently she saw it rattle and said "go away,leave me alone" I then said "y/n open the goddamn door !" I kinda yelled and she went quite I found the key to her bedroom door so I unlocked it and I saw y/n crying I walked to her but she ran away and told me "get out only kat can stay." I respected her wishes and left.
Your pov
Kat came over to me and said "babes what wrong your usually hanging on colby like a monkey?" I mumbled "someone r@ped me." I tried to say it quite so she wouldn't here but she did she then said "who?" I stayed quite in the corner not saying anything. She said "you need to tell Colby." I nodded and she left to get him. He came in sat down beside me i I hugged him for awhile and he said "what's wrong y/n?" I mumbled "someone r@ped me." I stayed quite and he looked and me and said "who?" I stayed quite again and he then said louder "WHO DID IT !" I'm pretty sure Sam heard it because he came running in with Kat behind him he said "why are you yelling what the fuck happened."
I stayed quite and just walked out and sat in my car (the only reason you walked is because you only walked to the gas station a few miles away) I sat in my car and locked the door and started crying silently I heard a knock on my door and It scared me slightly." It was kat. I opened the door she got in and said "I told Sam." I just said "how did he react." She then said " he said he was gonna kill the son of bitch who hurt his sister." She then said "then Colby said he was also gonna hurt him." I then said " why didn't you stop them?" She then said "he deserves it."
I nodded and cried a while then me and kat walked back to my apartment. Colby and Sam came back a while back and I basically threw myself into Colby's arms. I feel asleep a while later and stayed asleep.

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