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Your pov
I was on the couch watching Sam and Colby's newest video I was a little sick and wanted cuddles from Colby when he came into the living room saying "I'm going to Sam's to film I'll be back In a little bit." I got off the couch and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist he said "what's wrong?I'll be back soon."I replied with "I don't feel good,I want cuddles." He said "why didn't you say anything baby I would've told Sam to come over here to film or we would film another day." He then got a text from Sam that they would film another day and also said that Jake was filming and he was helping him and that's when we heard a knock on the door. Colby awnsered the door and said "what the hell do y'all want?" Jake said "pack up brother where going to the Stanley." He just shut the door in there faces when Jake barged in saying "we are setting up camp." Colby told the to leave and he would film and other day and that I was sick and Jake said "sorry brother we didn't know. He left and I stayed cuddled to Colby all day.

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