Someone tried to k!ll you

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I'm this your friends with Colby and Sam is your older brother by two years

Your pov

I was walking back home after my afternoon walk when someone came up behind me and dragged me by the neck and said "you worthless slut if you you tell I will kill you" I nodded and stayed quite he had cut my neck with the knife he had and he pushed me to the curve and cut my arm bad and stabbed my lower stomach I walked home holding my stomach. I walked in the door to Colby and Sam on the couch. I went to the kitchen and something had hit my stomach I made a whimper and the boys looked back and feet struck their eyes Colby had ran over to me just in time cause I almost fell he asked "what the hell happened." I couldn't speak and Sam said "we have to take her to the hospital." Colby nodded his head a picked me up bridal style and carried me to my car. Me and Colby got into the back him holding onto me and Sam was driving. We where driving to the hospitial when I had passed out and Colby looked over and said "SHIT" Sam quickly looked back and started speeding.
Colby's pov
We got to the hospital and they said only Sam could go in it was a while later and could go in. I went in a y/n was awake she smiled and held her arms for a hug I gently gave her hug and said "can you tell me what happened?" She said "yeah." She started crying but she finished she said " I was walking back to the house after my run and this random person came up Behind me and said "shut up you worthless slut or I'll slit your neck I nodded but he still slit my neck with the knife he had and pushed me onto the ground and cut my arm and stabbed my stomach." I hugged her gently and said "hey it'll be ok, but me and Sam have to go everywhere you go from now on ok?" She nodded and smiled and hugged me again it was soon after she fell asleep and I kissed her forehead and said "I'm so happy your ok."

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