Dragons Breath.

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Looking out at the clouds I felt a sense of calm, letting my eyes then wonder around the carriage. It smelt like old books in here and the wood of the carriage looked new but you could see scruffs along the door. I looked over my shoulder out onto the carriage driver, I wonder if he's cold out there? Probably not but I do feel bad that he's out there whilst we are nice and warm in here. I glance over to where I imagine the Thestrals are, I know they're known for drawing these type of carriages but it's also known you can't see a Thestral unless you've seen death. Rather morbid when you think about it, it leads to a lot of superstitions about them; some people thinking they're bad omens. I think they're rather beautiful from the paintings and sketches I've seen on them in some of my mothers work.

"I'm glad I caught you before you left for Scotland" George's words taking my eyes away from the front of the carriage and my gaze falling back on him. "Just barely" Fig chuckles, George joining him.
"And who is your travelling companion?" George asks with a questioning eye, "a new student" explained Fig. George looks confused
"Yes sir, I'm starting school as a fifth year" I add, George looks over at Fig with a questioning eye but I really hoped Fig didn't share the truth behind me starting so late.
"Of course, other fifth years will have been honing their magic skills for four years now. The Headmaster asked if i could get our new student up to speed a bit before term begins" Fig looks at me with a knowing look. I'm glad he didn't share more.
"Well you couldn't of asked for a better mentor" George began "Profesor Fig is not only an exceptional teacher, he is also a remarkably intuitive and gifted wizard" he finished with a proud cheeky grin, whilst Fig waved his hand embarrassed a small amount of colour rising to his cheeks.

"Mr.Osric is prone to flattery, I daresay its one of the reasons he's risen so far at the Ministry" Fig chuckles with a smirk forming.
The ministry? Does George know my parents? Is he apart of the investigation to find them? I don't wish to dampen the mood so I shall save my questions until we arrive at Hogwarts.

George's expression changes as he reaches into his jacket and pulls out a copy of 'The Daily Prophet' he looks serious; "have you seen this?" the question more aimed at Fig now.
I glance down at the newspaper that reads: "Ranroks Goblin Rebellion: Truth or Gobbledegook?" With a rather intimidating Goblin moving on the front. I try not to laugh at the god awful pun in the title as I sense this is more serious than the pun suggests.

"I have, opinions differ as to how great a threat Ranrok really is" Fig replies. Something outside the window catches my eye, I look out trying to see what it is although it's difficult to pinpoint it through the clouds; it just looks like a big black shadow. "Although I've yet to convince my colleagues at the Ministry. I believe he is a significant threat" George continues, should I mention what I thought I saw? What did I even see? This seems like a rather serious conversation I can't interrupt to say the clouds looked different... can I?.

"And it was your wife, Eleazzar, who alerted me to his activities months ago" as the words left George's mouth I felt Fig tense beside me, I sense his wife is a touchy subject.
Fig leaned forward slightly "Miriam? How?" His voice showing concern and confusion. George sighed "she wrote to me about Ranrok before she died- wondering what the Ministry knew about his activities"
Ah-she's dead, I looked over at Fig with a slight pain in my heart for him but he doesn't seem to notice.
"Before I could respond I received this. It was the last thing she sent me Eleazzar" George had a sadness in his voice and he was now holding a long circular container of some kind? It was coloured dark green and golden marbel with pointed copper and gold ends. An oval in the middle with a symbol I don't recognise. "It came to me via her owl- but with no correspondence. I can only assume.." he trailed off slightly at the end with a sad look.
Fig opened his hands to take the container "that she had to get rid of it quickly to keep it safe" his brows furrowed "presumably from Ranrok" George continued "I cannot open it, whatever magic protects it: is powerful indeed".

Fig looked closer at the container "it looks like Goblin metal, that symbol-" looking down at the container I notice a strange glow around the symbol "what's that glow?" I interrupt him. Both Fig and George's brows furrowed as their eyes scan the container "I don't see a glow" Fig announced "nor do I.." George followed even more confused. Fig hands me the container and the glow seems brighter, I can hear faint whispers and then the glow covered the container before it opened revealing a large golden key, the handle swirled just like the symbol.
"Merlins beard! How did you-" George started as I started to reach for the key "Wait!" Fig exclaimed "we don't know what-"

Suddenly a loud screech rang through my ears, before I had the chance to identify the noise the carriage is split in half, I feel a hot sensation against my skin which couldn't possibly be the air this high up, wood and splinters fly everywhere and just as I snap my eyes forward I realise what the heat against my skin was... Dragons breath.

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